Chapter 4: Goddess Delphiria

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       Rendell opened the door of the drawing room and saw his mother and Kevin having tea together. He noticed that they were in the middle of a conversation but then they saw him.

       “Rendell, there you are…” his mother called.

       “Mother,” He joined them.

       After he sat, Kevin leaned forward then said, “So…what did his majesty tell you?... Or is it a secret?”

       Rendell didn’t answer for a while because he was thinking on how he’ll say it. His mind was blank and he felt slightly empty. It really came as a shock.

       “What is it, my son?”

       “His majesty, gave me a mission to prove myself worthy of being one of his knights.” Rendell answered.

        A big silence followed.

       “A knight? Rendell, if your father were here, he would be so proud of you!” his mother exclaimed with pride and delight.

       “Thank you, mother…”

       “His majesty should have made you a knight a long time before. Cousin, you are the greatest swordsman I know!” Kevin said while patting Rendell’s back.

       “Oh, stop it, Kevin.” Rendell said and they all laughed. After a moment, he continued, “But..I am surprised... I didn’t expect His majesty would want to make me a knight.”

      “So you are going to go on a mission to find your Proof, right?” Kevin asked.

       Rendell nodded. “Every knight has his own unique weapon that distinguishes him as a knight of the king. Each knight is very well known in their skills and talent.”

       “Yes. Every knight is unique in their own way and being granted to be one is considered as one of the highest honor a man can receive.” Lady Anaclisse said. “The Tearan Knights are well renowned for their contribution in the defeat of the Brethan kingdom.”

       “They only listen and take orders from the king,” Rendell added. “But…in my case, I think mother will be angry if I not do what she says…” he joked.

       “I’m glad you know that!” Lady Anaclisse said. “But I’m worried about your mission. You need to seek the wisdom of Goddess Delphiria.”

       “I plan to go there tomorrow. I want to start this mission as soon as possible."

       “Why do you need to seek the goddess’ wisdom?” Kevin asked.

       “That was the first step one should do before he can become a full knight. And because finding your Proof is very difficult and may take a very long time…” Rendell explained.

       “Really? I didn’t know about that.”

       “I’m worried about this mission…finding your Proof is always not definite.” Rendell said.

       “My son, trust yourself because I believe in you. You have been given this task so that means it is within your abilities. Remember, you are now a half knight. Work hard so you can be a full knight.” His mother said.

       “Thank you for your kind words, mother.”

  After their tea and conversation, Lady Anaclisse and Rendell made their leave while Kevin accompanied them outside and wished Rendell good luck on his mission.

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