Chapter 9: A trick of Fate

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       They arrived last night in the last town at the border of the Tearan kingdom. They were staying in an inn and Patricia and Marianne were walking around town, buying supplies and provisions.

       “Patricia, can we spend more time here?” Marianne said. “Let’s have some fun since we have been travelling for a long time now.”

       “But we need to get back to the inn as soon as possible. They will get worried for sure.” Patricia said.

       “Yes, but I think we don’t have to hurry now because were nearly in the Brethan Kingdom. Lord Wilston said that after this town, it will only take three to five days to reach the North.”


       “Please, Patricia…we can just tell them that there were long lines in the shop so we took a long time to return to the inn. How’s that excuse?”

       Patricia sighed, thinking. She also wanted to enjoy the town like Marianne wanted. Their days on the road were rough and tiring and she wanted to have some distractions to take her mind away about Lord Wilston and Capt. Volnacker’s theory about her.

       “Alright, Marianne…but promise me that we’ll head back before night time, okay?”

       Marianne beamed at her. Patricia let her sister lead the way towards the shop around town. It had already been a long time since they enjoyed like this.

       “Marianne, it’s almost lunch time. Where do you want to eat?” Patricia asked.

       “Oh, I saw this small restaurant earlier and their menu for the day is my favorite!”

       Patricia laughed. “Okay…so what are we waiting for? Let’s go! I’m starving.”

       They walked along the main street until Marianne spotted the restaurant she saw earlier. It was on the other side of the street they were at and Patricia could see that it was quite famous.

       A lot of people were eating inside and there seems to be a waiting line outside.

       “Patricia, come on! There it is!” Marianne said, running towards it.

       “Marianne, wait up! It’s already full of people.”

       Marianne didn’t seem to hear what her sister said. She ran across the street. Patricia was also about to follow when she heard the hooves of horses pulling a carriage. She looked at its direction and saw it rounding from a corner then along the main street.

       “Marianne, look out! There’s a carriage!”

       Marianne turned and saw it coming towards her. She was frozen in shock on the spot.

       “Marianne! Marianne!”

       The only thing that Marianne could do at that moment was to scream as the horses got nearer her.

       Patricia wanted to shield her sister but she was too slow. She couldn’t let Marianne die. Her whole family has been taken away from her and she wasn’t able to help them. Her sister was about to be run over in front of her and she wanted to save her in any way possible.

       She was running as fast she could towards her but the carriage was approaching much faster. She was started to lose hope when someone came from behind her running so fast all she saw was a blur.

       The man was fast. He was quick enough to grab Marianne out of the harm’s way and rolled to the side of the street.

       The carriage passed by without even slowing down. Patricia didn’t care about it. She rushed to her sister with tears in her eyes.

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