Chapter 5: Festival at the Capital

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Patricia and her sister decided to finally go with Capt. Volnacker to The North. They felt so helpless and could not do anything about it.

Later in the day, Capt. Volnacker received a message by pigeon mail.

“What does it say?” his cousin asked while the two sisters tried to listen in.

“Lord Wilston asks us to go to the town of Abracar. He says that he has something very important to give me…”

“But why there? Couldn’t this wait until you are in The North?”

“He suspects a member of the Tearan Knights is currently there and it will be hard for him to make his move.” Captain Volnacker explained.

“…I see…”

He turned to the two sisters. “Patricia…Marianne…”


“We will be making a detour first before we proceed to our destination. Will that be alright?”

“That will be alright. We don’t mind.”

“We will be going to Abracar town and see Lord Wilston.”Capt. Volnacker said.

“Who is he?” Patricia asked.

“Lord Wilston is the leader of the Brethan Knights and the only survivor member.” He answered.

“…the only surviving member…?”

Capt. Volnacker nodded. “The rest died 17 years ago…”

“All of them?” Marianne asked in disbelief.

The captain nodded sadly.

“Are the Tearan knights really that strong?” Patricia asked.

“Yes, they are almost of the same strength but King Gelatte played a trick on them and it caused their lives…” Capt. Volnacker explained. “But I was surprised with one thing that happened after that and that proves that knights are very different from others because normal people will probably won’t do what they did.”

“What do you mean?”

“After the war, the Tearan knights came and paid their respects to the knights that lost their lives. It was something that is written in their code that every knight must follow.”

“They really did that? But they were enemies, right?” Marianne said.

“Even though they are enemies, they are fellow knights and they respect each other. The only difference is that they follow a different king and must do only what he tells them to do.”

“So are you saying that they may not really want to fight in the first place?” Patricia asked.

“Well, I’m not really sure about that but that is a probability. Nevertheless, they are loyal to their own king and must do what they are told. They are the most loyal servants of the king.” Capt. Volnacker explained.

“The knights are weird.” Marianne said. “They only do what their king asks them to do but they respect their enemy knights…”

“Well, that is a brief way to sum it up.” Capt. Volnacker said with a smile and Mr. Greg joined them.

“I have just prepared everything that you might need for your journey, Volnacker.” He said.

“Thank you very much, cousin. We will depart in a while.”

Mr. Greg turned to the two sisters then said, “I’ve packed you some dresses. They are a bit old but they will do just fine.”

“Thank you, Mr. Greg for your thoughtfulness.” Marianne said.

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