Chapter 15: The Truth Revealed

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       The three siblings entered the drawing room and saw the two men drinking tea. They both stood when they walked in.

       “Ah, it is a pleasure meeting Patricia and Marianne’s older brother!” Capt. Volnacker said. “Mrs. Kurt told us everything.”

       “Lord Wilston…Capt. Volnacker, it is a great honor to see you.” Francis said who was almost lost for words. “I haven’t thought that I will be able to meet you in person in my life.”

       Lord Wilston laughed. “Well, we want to hear your story.”

       Francis told them everything that he told his sisters earlier. After telling his story, he expressed his gratitude again and again to them for taking care of his two sisters.

       “Do not worry. We did our duties and we are happy that you three are reunited again.” Capt. Volancker said.

       “Yes…but our parents are still…not here.”

       Patricia approached her brother and embraced him. “I’m sure they will be glad to know that we have found each other at last…I’m definite about it.”

       “…you are right, Patricia.” Francis said.

       “Patricia,” Lord Wilston said.

       She turned to him. “Yes?”

       “Have you told your brother everything?” he asked.

      Patricia looked down. She didn’t know how to respond. She was afraid and didn’t know where to begin.

       “Francis, I want to ask you something but please don’t take any offense against it…” Lord Wilston said.

       “You can ask me anything, my Lord.” He answered.

       “Are you sure? This concerns your family…actually it is about Patricia.”

       Patricia looked at her brother. He looked nervous and he didn’t look at her in the eye. He sighed then nodded.

       Sir Wilston looked like he was forming his words carefully while Capt. Volnacker remained silent. Patricia was tense. She wondered what Sir Wilston wanted to ask.

       “I…I want to ask you if Patricia…is really your sister.” He asked, while the siblings were silent with surprise.

       “S-sir Wilston…w-what are you talking about?” Patricia said, disbelievingly.

       “That’s impossible! Patricia is my sister!” Marianne exclaimed.

       “My lord, please answer me!” Patricia pleaded.

       “Calm down, Patricia.” Capt. Volnacker said.

       “Why are you asking such a question?” she asked the knight.

       “Patricia, after everything that you have discovered about yourself, do you genuinely believe all of it? Do you really accept the truth that you are the one and only Mikhaila Brethan, our lost princess?” Sir Wilston asked.

       “What? Patricia is…?” Francis said, shocked.

       “To tell you the truth,” Capt. Volnacker began. “The moment that I saw Patricia, I already had the feeling that she is the princess. If you have seen a portrait of her highness, you will be surprised to see that they are exactly alike. We also have the theory that she might just be a reincarnation of her highness but…”

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