Chapter 14: Discovery

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       The sun was already setting in the Tearan capital but people kept bustling here and there buying last minute things before the night completely comes. Everything seems as usual and there was no hint of any disturbances in the air.

       Rendell and Izani followed Chris as he led the way down the street. The two both have their hoods up except for Chris’. Izani had his hood up because his appearance stands out to much and he hates people staring at him. Rendell meanwhile as a noble and being in the capital, someone might recognize him.

       Night has finally fallen when they took a turn into a narrow alleyway. Rendell saw a group of drunkards in a corner busy making a racket. They stopped when they passed and when they saw Chris’ huge sword on his back, they backed a few steps then hurried away.

       Izani laughed. “They probably got scared looking at your face, Absterleine.”

       “Shut up, brat. They were just shocked to see a handsome man like me come here.”

       “Oh please…stop imagining.” Izani said. “Are we there yet? I don’t like places like this.”

       “Don’t tell me you’re scared of the dark, Izani?” Chris said with a big smirk on his face.

       “I am not scared of anything, Absterleine.” Izani answered in a cold voice.

       Chris laughed out loud. “I’m sorry. I forgot that you are just twelve years old, brat. It is only natural for you to get scared.”

       “Shut up, old man!”

       “Hey, who are you calling an old man?!”

       “You, who else?”

       “How dare you insult a young and handsome man like me, you little brat!”

       “Don’t call me ‘brat’, old man!”

       “Then don’t call me ‘old man’!”

       Rendell cleared his throat loudly and then the two stopped and looked at him.

       “I’m sorry to interrupt but shouldn’t we better get going?”

       Chris laughed and Izani just shrugged.

       “I apologize, Rendell. You are still not used to this? Ha...Ha...” Chris said.

       “Let’s just get back to the job. Where is your informant?” Izani asked.

       “he told me to meet him here.”

       “You sure know a lot of people, Absterleine…”

       “I’ll take that as a compliment, Izani.” Chris said. “I may not look like it but I like information gathering. I have lots of spies everywhere in the capital like the Brethanians.”

       “Please take no offense but if that is the case, why haven’t the knights gather information about the Brethanian spies?” Rendell asked.

       “That is a good question. I also wonder why…” Izani asked.

       “Well, it’s not manpower that we lack…it’s just that these Brethanian are so good in concealing themselves. They have completely blended in whitht he other citizens.”

       “Then we are at a disadvantage. They are able to watch us all the time but not the other way around.” Rendell said.

       “Precisely…it has been difficult all these years to get information but we are always on alert of their mistakes.” Chris explained.

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