Chapter Two

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Scott spent the evening scrolling through both Mason and Marks Instagram's and Twitter's, trying to make a decision. The couple looked happy in all the pictures they've posted over the years, and Scott smiled at the younger pictures of the two from when they each first got Instagram. He perused twitter for any major drama between the two, but was distracted by an incoming FaceTime from Mark. He quickly ran his fingers through his hair and turn as light on before answering.

"Hey Babe, we just wanted to check in!" Mark said as Mason sat down next to him on their couch. "We threw a lot at you, how Ya doing?"

"I'm good. I may or may not have been stalking both y'alls Instagrams." He said sheepishly. He watched as the two men on his screen laughed, and it made him smile.

"Well," Mason said "You could see us in person. I looked taller in real life."

Scott suddenly got nervous, but kept his smile plastered on his face so they wouldn't be able to tell.

"Come over! Mitchy is dying to hang with you, and Beau's here. We could have a little movie night!" The old fall back of movie night was a safe option for him.

The two excitedly agree and hung up to get ready. Scott send a text to Mitch that company was coming so they should post mates some food and alcohol. The text was met by a bang on the wall and shouting.

"I'm four feet away from you, Jackass. Come talked to me like a human!"

Scott laughed and sprung up to head into Mitch's room.

"Mark and Mason are coming over for movies. I'm ordering wine, gluten free pizza and a shit ton of wings. And why did you tell me to come in if you are half naked?"

"Relax, mother, I was changing into something comfy. Are you sure you want us intruding on your date night?"

"Yea, no worries. Nothing is official between us and it's a movie, not a romantic candle-light dinner. Be upstairs in twenty."

Scott bounded up the stairs, ordering food on his phone. He then grabbed as many blankets and pillows as he could and set them on the coffee table. From below, Mitch could hear his best friends pacing and skipping around the upper floor.

"I swear to Jesus himself, if that boy doesn't chill the fuck out, I'll kill him."

"Relax, babe. I haven't known Scott that long and even I know how excited he gets. Let him be happy for a while."

Mitch was going to reply when the doorbell rang. He could follow Scott's foot steps as he sprinted through a few rooms, paused, then flung open the front door.

"Come in, come in! Food should be here soon. MITCH, COME ON!"

Mitch looked to Beau, "See. This is why I have to kill him."

Beau laughed before wrapping his arm around Mitch to lead him out of the room.


Once the food arrived, they started watching Moana. Mitch and Beau took the love seat and a big fluffy blanket, while the other three took the couch. Scott Sat in the middle and the other two rested their legs across his lap, each leaning against their own arm rest. The first half of the movie they ate and drank some wine. After the plates were tossed on the floor, Scott flipped to sit between Mark's legs, and Mason curled into Scott's chest. Once the movie ended, Mitch and Beau decided to head downstairs and turn in for the night.

"I can put another movie on." Scott whispered. No one protested, so he scrolled through Netflix and settled on Ace Ventura. Mason grabbed a blanket and covered the three of them the best he could.

Only about five minutes into the movie, Mark started running his hand up and down Scott's arm causally. Scott closed his eyes and smiled; it had been so long since he had someone to cuddle with. Now TWO people to cuddle with?! It sounded amazing.

"Yes." Scott said randomly.

"Huh?" Mason relied and looked up to Scott.

"I'm in. I want to do this." Scott's eyes were still closed but his smile was huge.

Mason leaned up and kissed Scott gently on the lips, and Mark followed, then kissed Mason.

"We are so, so happy Scottie." Mark said, "We were more than great as the two of us, but you just make us feel so much more...extraordinary."

A/N-Please submit requests. I got excited about writing this then realized I don't have many ideas!

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