Chapter 10

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A/N Thank you to @thegirlin_purple  for the idea

The last full day in Maui was coming to a close. The five of them were enjoying a large dinner in the common area when Scott first felt it. He saw Mark's hand on Mason's thigh as they sat next to each other. Mason was leaning into Mark. Scott brushed off the jealousy and rejection he felt; he couldn't expect attention all the time.

After dinner, he lost his shit.

Mark and Mason had gone on a romantic beach walk without him. They came back holding hands and smiling, completely enraptured in each other. Neither acknowledged Scott, who was sitting on the couch alone.

They kissed and sat in the kitchen, and Scott couldn't take it. He dashed into the spare room and locked the door. He Face Timed Mitch. It was morning in Paris and Scott hopped Mitch would answer.

"Daddy, How- Holy Shit. Are you okay?"

Mitch was sitting in the hotel room, shirtless, as he prepared for the day.


Scott was crying. He couldn't help it.

"Babe, tell me what's wrong. You're freaking me out."

"It's Mark and Mason. I just feel so left out all the time. They know each other so well, I just feel like guest. Today alone, they went on a walk without me! They were gone for like an hour without saying a thing! Then, went hey got back, I could have sprouted an extra head and they wouldn't have noticed! I can't do this, Mitchy. I can't. I though I'd be getting double the love, but I'm only getting half!" Scott lost it again, crying as he stared at Mitch on the screen like he held all the answers.

"Deep breaths, Queen. Come on." Mitch waited until Scott was breathing normally again, even with the tears flowing.

"Better? Let me just tell Beau I need extra time okay? I'll bring out with me but you have to focus on breathing normally."

Mitch left the room and into the suite to find Beau. The rest of their friends were already gone.

"Babe. Scotty's having a hard time and I need to talk to him. Why don't you go to that museum you saw the other day?"

"I'll hang out, I don't mind. Anything I can help with?"

"Is it okay if he helps?" Mitch asked Scott, who relied with a nod.

"Hey, Beau. I was telling Mitch how I feel like I'm not apart of Mark and Mason's relationship. Maybe I'm not."

Just as beau was about to reply, there was knocking on Scott's door.

"Scott? You in here?" Jonny called.

Scott opened the door a crack and peaked out.

"We were thinking about heading out to the bars. You don't look like you want to join."

"No. Y'all should go as a couples thing. I'm talking to Mitchy." He replied holding up the phone.

Scott waved and closed the door quickly, locking it.

He turned back to Mitch and Beau.

Beau spoke first. "Scott. You just implied to Jonathan that you are not included in the date night they're all going on. That's important. Be honest with yourself, is this what you really want?"

"Scott's not good at being realistic. He's the dreamer and optimist. Which is why Beau's advice really matters." Mitch said.

Scott looked at the pair and started thinking.

He needed constant love and attention. He was real enough with himself to know he demanded a lot of attention and reassurance. He also loved to give those things to his partner.

His train of thought was interrupted by banging on the door. Both Mark and Mason were taking through the door. Scott made a whimpering noise, not ready to face any kind of decision.

"Scott Hoying, look at me." Scott snapped back over to Mitch, not used to hearing his full name from his best friend.

"You are an amazing man. Only you know what is best for you. I love you and I support you in any decision you make. I'm going to hang up now so you can talk to your men. Call me later, okay? Love you."

"I love you too, Mitch. Thanks. And you too Beau." He hit the button to end the call before standing up and walking to the door.

He took a cleansing breath and opened the door.

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