Chapter 6

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"Are you kidding me?! Really?" Scott exclaimed as his mother pulled actual physical pictures out of her purse. They were on the tour bus in Philly, Scott's parents, sister and nephew were crowded around. Mark and Mason were next to Scott on the couch.

Pentatonix was on their Christmas tour, and the rest of the band was out with their friends and family. Scott thought that this would be a good idea to have all these people on the bus but he was kind of starting to regret it.

"Oh, hush, you were a cute baby. Now, here's Scott dressed as a pumpkin. I think he was about two years old here." She continued to flip through the pictures, describing in detail every picture.

Scott gave up and sighed, allowing his mother to continue. Zac was running up and down the hallway off the bus, dodging through people and bags.

"Hey uncle Scott, who's your boyfriend."

"Zac, some sit by Mom. Leave you're uncle alone." Lindsey called. Scott stiffened and looked over at Mark and Mason.

Mark leaned over "it's up to you babe, whatever you say we'll go with" he whispered.

Scott glance at Lindsey who shrugged and nodded. "Hey Zac. Guess what? Mark is my boyfriend and so is Mason. Isn't that fun! So when I'm touring, no ones lonely!" Except me. He thought.

"Cool." Came Zac's response before he started running around again.

Mason could tell something was wrong, and he gestured for Scott and Mark to follow him to the back. They pulled the curtain and waited for the conversation in the front of the bus to die down.

" What's wrong Scott?"

" I'm gonna be honest with you. Sometimes I feel really lonely when you guys aren't around especially on tour, and I get jealous that you guys get to be together all the time. You know? Just feel left out sometimes and I know it's not on purpose, but I just kind of happens. I don't know what to do about it and I love you guys so so much but I just I don't know if I can do this."

Scott was going to say more but he decided to look up see their reaction. He realize that their eyes were wide and their mouths were open and he got really really nervous because he didn't know what he just said that could've made them look at him like that.

" You love us?" Mason replied in a whisper.

" I do. But I don't know if my heart can go through this."

" oh Scotty," Mason continued "we didn't know you felt that way both the loving part and how you felt left out. By the way, I love you so so much and I think this is worth it."
Both Mark and Mason sat down in front of Scott who sitting on the couch.

Mark spoke up next. "Scott, I love you too. I think we can do this. You're worth it. We are worth it."

Scott lunged forward and hugged the men in front of him.

" I love you. Both of you. Maybe when the tour is over we can figure it out a little more. I just need some quality time with my boys you know?"

" Maybe a vacation will do us good. Spend the new year somewhere else. We know Mitch is going to be gone and you're going to be all pissy without him. Let's go somewhere tropical!" Mark said excitedly.

"We love tropical vacations. And yeah I might get pissy if he's gone but we loves the drama."

A/N the left out idea come from @thegirlin_purple.

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