Chapter 13

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Combination of requests from sweetlifehoying   and BigBoyCikada

Scott held his hand out to Mark as they exited the Uber. Mason came around and joined them as they walked into a small bistro for dinner. Marko and Mason had made reservations at the restaurant before they had even met Scott, but were happy to add an extra person on this special day.

The host sat them in the back of the restaurant in a secluded corner table, adorned with candles and rose peddles. "Your waitress will be over in a few moments, gentlemen, and the sommelier will be with her, so I suggest perusing the wine list. Enjoy and Happy Valentines Day."

They smiled their appreciation before chatting about which wines to order. "Good evening, gentlemen, my name is Cara, and I will be your waitress tonight, and this is Antonio, your sommelier. He can help you with any wine questions and suggestions, I'll be back soon to talk food."

Antonio looked at the three of them quickly before speaking. "Questions or requests?" He asked curtly. Mark rattled off their usual preferences and let Antonio select the best option. "Price range?"

"None "Scott replied before the other two could answer. Antonio swept away quickly.

"I don't like him." Mark stated, "he's trying to figure us out and I don't like the judgment"

"He's just a snob, ignore him." Mason replied.

The wine was brought back quickly and placed on the table. "traditionally," Antonio said, "the man is supposed to taste the wine to ensure it's acceptable, but I must admit I don't know the protocol for three men where there is not obvious leader. Any volunteers?"

"Scotty, go ahead."

Scott sipped the wine and pretended to be analyzing it for a moment. "It is acceptable." He really wanted to say "I can't tell if this wine is $5 or $5,000. I like it" but it didn't seem fancy.

Antonio served the rest of the wine before muttering "I didn't see you as the man." Under his breath.

"Excuse me?" Mark ask.

"Nothing, Sir."

Scott puffed up his chested and stared the man down. "What's the problem?"

"I simply don't know who is the man here. That's all. But now I see it may be you, Blondie. You seem to be trying to be tough, with your puffed up chest and tattoos. Maybe next time stay away from the little girls' section with all the pretty flowers to when you trying to not look so gay"

"For your information, these flowers represent my family, who are strong people. And news flash, being tough does NOT make you a man."

Just before Antonio could reply, Mark stood up and took a swing, punching Antonio as hard as he could in the nose. "Us men are leaving now. I hope you enjoy paying for that $900 bottle of wine, jackass." Mason punctuated this statement by pouring the wine on said jackass' head.

They few out the door and hopped into the first taxi they saw. Mark was shaking out his hand out and smiling.

"We at least tried to have a cliché date. Maybe next year I wont get blood on my fist."


They all settled down in Scott's house, while drinking champagne and eating Mexican take out.

"I'm sorry he gave you all that crap, Scotty." Mason said, snuggling up between his men, "But we can have a valentine's day celebration here. Let's turn on a RomCom, I'll grab some of the chocolate I know you have hidden in the kitchen, and we can all hold hands and make out."

As Mason went to get the chocolate, Scott looked to Mark. "Do you like my tattoos?"

"Oh, honey. I love them. And more importantly, you love them. When you look at them, you think of you parents and sisters and your little niece and nephews. Remember when you told Landon those flowers were for him? He was so, so happy." Scott nodded and went back to trying to find a movie. Mark turned to play with his hair.

Mason came back and fed all three of them chocolate. By making eye contact, he knew Scott was upset, and he leaned over to give him a kiss.

The movie was quickly forgotten when Scott mentioned he would love a bath. They all piled in to the tub, with Scott against Mason's strong chest and Mark facing them, massaging any leg that was in front of him.

"I hope you had a good valentine's day, despite the obvious." Mason whispered.

"I did. I feel so loved and spoiled right now. If Mas keeps rubbing my head, I might fall asleep."

Mark tickled the bottom of Scott's feet, causing him to giggle loudly.

"Alright, I'm awake."

They stayed in the tub until the water was cold. Scott and Mason brought all of the blankets and pillows they could find to the living room while Mark set up a movie. Twenty minutes later they were all asleep and cuddled up on the floor, the movie they picked droning on without them.

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