Chapter 14

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she's back

thank you to the kind person (who asked to remain nameless) who sent me a timeline 


"I still don't understand how you got Scotty to go to a monster truck rally." Mason stated as the three men sat outside at on Mark and Mason's porch.

Mark laughed and replied quickly, "Because he's too nice to say no to a friend of a friend who offered him free tickets."

Scott just pouted at his boyfriends. "I want to be supportive, and we got to sit near Chris Pratt for like twenty minutes!"

"Scotty, you were miserable. You lived streamed out of pure boredom. When was the last time you did that?"

"Hey, I was waiting for a truck to flip! Is that too much to ask for? AND Mark and I got cute monster truck plushies, which Landon will love, because I'm giving him mine!"

"Of coarse you are" Mark and Mason said in unison.

Mark couldn't help but laugh as he continued, "He kept yelling "werk qween" and the family like twenty rows away kept looking back at us. They finally ignored us when Scott started yelling "I JUST WANT ONE FLIP". At least the fans on the Livestream seem to enjoy your ridiculousness."

"Wait, Mas. Scott, tell him the best part of all of this!"

Scott blushed and looked down. "We, uh, the three of us have seats for some wrestling thing tomorrow night."

Mason just laughed. Scott had a cute little blush and a smirk on his face. He quickly stood up and ran to the back door and grabbed a few giant plastic bags. As his men were giggling, he dumped the craft supplies, poster board, markers, paint, glitter and glue, on the lawn.

Scott looked over, and waved them over. "Come gay it up, ladies, we're making signs for the wrestling thing!"

So the three adult men sat cross-legged in the lawn making signs that had phrases like "this is kinda hot" and Scott's favorite "buy future friends on iTunes".

"She loves her supportive boyfriends", Scott mumbled as he read the last sign and flopped onto his back.

Instantly, he had two heads resting on his torso and two pairs of hands resting on his body. He scooped up a handful of glitter and tossed it in the air and watched as it sparkled in the sunlight and drifted over the three of them. He continued to watch it as it settled over the three of them. Has he moved his eyes downward, he caught Mason's eyes, then Mark's.

Scott was suddenly overwhelmed by how content he was in that moment. He leaned forward and gave each man a kiss. He smiled when he got glitter in his mouth.

"I'm not gay" he whispered before settling back down and laughing. 

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