Hyo Ra ~ All Messed Up

Depuis le début

"Woah, I can read this!" He said in awe as I nodded.

"As royals, we can read the Cursian language. So just read it together and you'll immediately be transported here." I said with a polite smile.

"Well then, I guess I better get going before Hyo Ra starts worrying." Hyun Woo said, going towards the door.

"Wait. I'll take you back." I suggested as he nodded. "Okay. It was nice seeing you again Minhyuk. Hyo Ra and I will visit later." He said.

"Bye cous." I said as my powers slowly made Hyun Woo disappear into thin air. "Bye."

He still remembers me.


Hyo Ra ~

I stared at the wall with no soul; I felt like a shell. Emptiness was inside of me, mixed in with fear, regret, guilt, and sadness.

How long has it been since I was like this? I looked at the clock, which read 5:20 PM.

I finished the video 2 hours ago.... I couldn't believe that I've killed more than 200 students and injured 300 more.

What kind if a person am I? 'Why did I do that?!' I thought. Suddenly, my eyesight slowly turned black. I panicked, yelling for help, but no one ever came.

In my eyes, I saw two figures. I sort of knew them, but they also felt unfamiliar to me. What's happening to me?!

"Hyo Ra." a handsome man standing beside a beautiful woman said sadly. "My daughter." the woman said as my eyes widened.

"O-omma? Appa?" I said, stuttering. "Yes child, come here sweetie." Mom said as I cried and ran into her arms. She embraced me, and dad did too.

"What's happening to me?" I asked as they looked at me with worry.

"Nothing's wrong with you dear. You're just in a small dream. By the time we're done talking, you'll wake up again." mom said as I cried harder.

"Don't cry sweetie. We got you." mom wiped my tears.

"Are you two ok in heaven?" I asked as their eyes became sad. "Well, you can say that we're doing well in Eden." Dad chuckled. "Eden?" I asked.

"Eden is the heaven of our kind darling." mom answered as I nodded.

"Why did you two have to leave so early?" I sobbed as mom sighed and dad put a hand around mom.

"We couldn't win the war. And after years of being in Eden, we both realized our wrong doings. I was foolish. So, so foolish." Dad said.

"But let's hear about you. Now my girl, how's Earth? Oh and how's Chaeyoon and Donghae?" dad asked.

"They're doing great appa. They're the best parents you two have chosen for me. I love them so much, but I love you two more." I said, still crying.

"And what about Hyun Woo, Yura and Siwon?" Mom asked. "They're doing good too. Your friends are so kind to the two of us. When they told us that I was your daughter, I was scared, but I couldn't be happier to have the King and Queen of Cursia as my biological parents." I said, trying to smile.

"Oh sweetie. I'm so sorry that we couldn't be there with you, after all these years. Your dad and I really wish that we can go to Earth, but our deaths were too early. We couldn't risk getting you and Hyun Woo killed either. So we sent you two to Earth with our friends." Mom explained as I nodded.

"Don't worry mom, I understand." I hugged her and dad. "So... I'm hearing some news about this girl." dad suddenly said as the dreadful feelings rushed back to me.

EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant