Chapter 17

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Scout felt his heart pounding as he drove back to the base. His knuckles turned white from how hard he was gripping the steering wheel. His anxiety was starting to get the best of him. Scout kept breathing steadily and kept his mind focused on the road.

Eventually Scout pulled back up at the base. He turned off the ignition and sat back in the seat, running his hand through his hair. He hasn't felt this nervous in, well, forever.

Scout ran his thumb over the white ring box he held in his other hand. His heart pounded as he went over the idea in his head. He had a plan of course, and for once, a well thought out one.

He thoughts back to his previous conversation with Medic.

"Is that... a ring?" Scout asked. He had visited the doctor to check on a slight cough.

Medic seemed to flushed and he turned away. "...Yes,"

Scout looked at him with wide eyes. "Is that.. is that where you and Heavy went over the weekend?" Scout whispered.

Medic rolled his eyes, sighing. "If you must know, the yes, and it's not official because... we're both men... but it's real to us."

Scout looked at his with amazement. As in that moment, he had an idea.

Scout had told Sniper to me him in his car at 5:30. The time was approaching quickly and Scout couldn't be more nervous.

A bit earlier, Sniper waltzed into the garage and smiled at Scout through the window before hopping into his car.

Sniper leaned over the center console and met Scout in the middle for a brief kiss. "Hey," Sniper said, instantly lighting up.

Scout tried to match his enthusiasm. "Hey," He said.

"So," Sniper began, leaning back in his seat. He buckled up and then interlaced his hand with Scout's, "Where are we headed?"

"It's a surprise," Scout said, grinning.

Sniper rolled his eyes. "'Course," He muttered, also grinning.


The couple arrived at the beach a while later. They were walking along the shoreline as the sun was setting. Scout had one hand in his pocket, nervously turning over the box in his hand, and that other in Sniper's.

Scout lead them up onto a sand dune, where they stood and looked over the massive lake.

"This is where I fell in love with you, I think," Scout said.

Sniper blushed. He opened his mouth to say something but was rendered speechless. Scout just chuckled and leaned up to kiss him.

Scout knew it was now or never. But, in the split second before he spoke, Scout took the opportunity to look at Sniper again. He looked so beautiful with the remains of the pretty sunset lighting shining on his still slightly flushed face. His eyes were low lidded and he seemed almost tired but Scout could tell from his energy he felt alive.

Scout took a breath, "Sniper, I have to ask you something."

Sniper turned to look at him. "What is it?" He asked.

"Sni– Mundee," Scout began, heart pounding, "I'm not one for speeches but I love you with all of my heart and I don't want anyone else, just you, forever," Scout said, getting down on one knee.

"Scout?" Sniper choked out.

Scout smiled warmly, fishing the ring box out of his pocket and opening it up to show Sniper. It wasn't anything fancy, a simple gold band with a gemstone in the middle. It was simple, just how Sniper would've wanted it to be.

"I- It's not a wedding ring, it's a promise ring. I, I don't expect you to be ready to marry me, but, I promise you that I'll wait as long as we need until we're both ready...?" Scout proposed.

Sniper got all teary-eyes and choked up. "Scout, Jeremy, oh my god," Sniper said, nodding. "Yes, of course,"

Scout grinned and slipped the ring into his finger, before standing up, only to be met with Sniper crashing his lips onto Scout's.

They connect their lips for several moments before pulling away and resting their foreheads against each other.

"I love you," Sniper whispered

"I love you too," Scout whispers back, pulling his into another kiss.

~and they lived happily ever after the end~

Thank you all so much for reading and commenting and everything, writing this was so much fun and well worth it with all of your support!!

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