Chapter 10

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Scout sat back on Snipers couch on a Saturday morning. "Why don't we do something?" Scout whinnied. He was bored out of his mind and it was a weekend. Scout tended to treasure his days off and spending it doing nothing didn't sound like any fun.

Sniper walked over and sat beside him. "Well what do you want to do?" He asked.

Scout shurgged. "'M hungry," He complained. "And you ain't got shit to eat,"

Sniper thought for a moment, "Let's go to diner in Teufort," He suggested.

"Never been," Scout replied. He wasn't one for diners. He much preferred a dark bar with strong drinks and attractive people. Though, with Sniper being his boyfriend and all, he didn't have to worry about that part much now. Scout smiled slightly to himself.

Sniper gave him a surprised look. "What? No way, it's so good! C'mom, let's go," He said. As Sniper stool up he glanced back down at Scout, "It'll be a date," He added with a smirk.

Scout blushed, pulling down the brim of his hat. "Y-yeah, sure, whatever," He stuttered. He followed Sniper out and got into the passenger seat. Sniper turned the car on and pulled out of the base, headed towards Teufort.

Scout turned on the radio, but talked over it anyways. "So, since when do you go to diners. In public." Scout asked, looking up at him.

Sniper glanced at him, but kept his gaze fixed on the road. He shrugged, "I get out sometimes too,"

Scout half shurgged. "Fair enough," He replied.

Sniper glanced at Scout again, "And what about you. Thought you went into town all the time. Heard it was so bad the guys had to send Miss Pauling after you."

Scout laughed. "Oh, yeah, that. Yeah, I kept going out to bars at night and I'd get really hungover. Engie got all worried, you know how he is, and freaked out and told Miss Pauling,"

Sniper snorted, "Only you,"

Scout looked over at him. "Huh?"

Sniper grinned. "Only you would do something that stupid," He said.

Scout rolled his eyes lightly punching him on the shoulder. "Hey now," He warned, chuckling.

They were at the diner in no time. Sniper and Scout strolled in, sitting in a booth towards to back. The waitress walked up, handing them menus. "Anything to drink?" She said, in a monotone voice. The women looked half asleep and was definitely not in a good mood.

"I'll take a coffee," Sniper said, "One sugar, one creamer,"

Scout rolled his eyes. There's my Sniper, getting his usual coffee. "Got any pop?" He asked.

The lady squinted at him. "Kid, it's not even 11am and you want soda with your breakfast?"

Scout just stared at her. "I mean, it's what I asked for, ain't it?"

She glared at him. "We got Cola,"

"Yeah, yeah, gimme that, that's the stuff," He said.

The waitress walked away. Sniper tried (and failed) to stifle a laugh, which made Scout laugh too. Sniper shook his head and opened the menu. "God, your a handful," He mumbled, grinning.

Scout winked and Snipers face turned red. He smirked and opened the menu to decide on what to get. After a few minutes, Scout decided that pancakes sounded pretty good. No one at base could make pancakes at all, and it was one of Scouts favorites.

The waitress came back, Scouts pop in one hand and Snipers coffee in the other. She placed them on the table. "Have you decided on what you'll be having today?" She asked.

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