Chapter 11

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"Alright, guys, you're headed to Coldfront," Miss Pauling said.

Everyone collectively groaned. Everyone hated Coldfront. It was snowy and cold. And the base they had there was much smaller, and it didn't have proper heating. Being stationed in Coldfront was the absolute worst.

"I'm sorry, I know, it's not the best. But hey, on the bright side, it's only for this week!" Miss Pauling said, trying to redeem herself. She was often the bearer of bad news, unfortunately.

Sure it was only a week, but it going to be a long, cold week. The team meeting eventually ended with transportation arranged for everyone. They'd fly to the base via plane, since the teleporter Engineer had put there had been destroyed. 


Everyone arrived in Coldfront a few hours later. Stepping off the place, the cold air hit Scout instantly. He shivered and crossed his arms. Everyone got their bags and went inside, which was about just as cold as it was outside.

"Jeez, did BLU destroy everything?" Scout asked, pulling a hoodie out of his bad and tugging it on.

Engineer shurgged. "Probably. Just gimme a few minutes and I'll have the heat working," He said.

Scout nodded. Everyone got their bags and went to their respective rooms. There were only 5 very small bedroom at this base, so everyone had to double up. Well, everyone expect Spy who insisted that he get his own room.

Scout threw his bags beside the bed as Sniper walked in. Scout smiled at him. "What's up, Snipes?"

Sniper frowned. "It's too cold," He complained.

Scout snorted. "Yeah, you can say that again,"

Suddenly the furnace kicked on, emitting a soft hum. Scout let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god, or I think I'd turn into an ice cube," He muttered.

Sniper nodded, throwing his bag down and sitting on the bed. It was small, much like the room. There was a tiny closet, but since they were only here for a week it would be unnecessary to put their clothes in it. And the outside wall had a large window so you could look out at the landscape, which was basically a bunch of pine trees and snow. It had taken a while to get here, and the sun was already setting. The only sunlight that came in the room was a soft orange glow.

Scout sat beside Sniper, leaning up against him. Sniper out an arm around him. "'M cold," Scout whined.

"I know, I am too," Sniper said.

Scout sighed. The room was already starting to feel warmer, thanks to the furnace. An idea popped into Scout mind and he smirked to himself. His hands were icy cold, and what better way to warm them up then by sticking his hands up Snipers shirt.

Upon contact, Sniper shrieked. "Scout!" He yelled, shoving him away.

Scout held on tightly. "Sniperrrrrr, 'm collllld," Scout whined.

Sniper rolled his eyes. "Get off me, you idiot," He said.

Scout gave in. "Fineeeee," He said.

"If you're cold then why don't you get under the blankets?" Sniper asked.

Scout shrugged. "Alright," He said.

They both crawled under the blankets. It was late anyways, so they could just go to bed. Scout snuggled up to Sniper instantly, smiling. Sniper chuckled and put an arm around him.

Sniper placed a kiss on Scout's forehead. "Goodnight," He murmured in the darkness.

"Night," Scout said back.

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