Chapter 12

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((Slightly NSFW but not that bad,,,,))

After the bone chilling week in Coldfront, the team was transported back to Teufort, much to everyone's liking.

Scout and Sniper parted ways once at the base, Scout going to his bedroom and Sniper going to his camper. Scout went to his room to unpack and then grabbed a snack before heading out to Sniper.

He knocked on the door, impatiently, before waltzing in. Sniper was facing the bed, also unpacking. He glanced over his shoulder and offered Scout a smile, before turning away again. "Hey," He said.

"Yo, Snipes, what's up?" Scout asked, flopping down on the couch.

Sniper shurgged. "Just unpacking," He replied. Scout nodded, turning on the TV. He wasn't really paying attention, just turned it on for background noise.

Scout whined, "Well hurry up,"

Sniper rolled his eyes. "Someone's whiny," He remarked, though he dropped the task at hand and took a seat next to Scout.

Scout absentmindedly took Sniper's hand in his. "'M bored," He complained.

Sniper remarked, "You're always bored,"

Scout shrugged. "It's cause you're lame," He joked.

Sniper cracked a smile. "You're the one who's bored, i'm perfectly happy with doing nothing," He pointed out.

Scout frowned, jokingly. "But that's boring," He repeated.

Sniper leaned in and placed a kiss on Scout's lips. He pulled away, smirking, and aimed his attention at the TV again.

Scout felt the heat rise to his face and he pulled down the brim of his hat. Sniper could always make Scout blush, frankly it was embarrassing. Scout felt like a stupid teenage girl, the kind that he would make flush and gush over him.

However, he recovered quickly. "Yoooo, that's gay," Scout teased.

Sniper snorted, rolling his eyes. "Scout were dating. Oh, and I have an idea of something to do,"

Scout raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" He asked.

Sniper grinned, "Just follow me," He said, pulling Scout up off the couch.

Scout sighed, but complied. After all, he did complain that he was bored. Sniper poured himself a to-go cup of coffee and grabbed his sniper rifle out of the closet.

Scout squinted. "What."

Sniper waved a hand at him. "You'll see,"

And oh boy, did Scout see.

Sniper lead Scout down the road from the base, not that far, and back into the woods a bit. There was a nice sized building tucked away.

"What the hell?" Scout asked, confused.

"Shooting range," Sniper answered.

"What? Since when? Why don't I know about this?" Scout asked.

Sniper though for a moment. "Oh, it's because it was constructed before you joined the team. No one uses it anymore, well except me when i'm really bored, because no one needs it anymore. I just always thought you knew,"

Scout shook his head. "Nope. But it makes sense. I mean, I don't even need it cause i'm such a good shot," He bragged, folding his arms over his chest.

Sniper rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we'll see about that," He tested, glancing down at Scout.

Scout finally connected the dots. "Wait a second. You want me to shot your sniper rifle, don't you?" Scout asked.

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