Chapter 2

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After a long day at work, Scout wanted nothing more than to just lay down. He was quite exhausted from waking up so early. He was just about to head to his bedroom to just chill out when he heard a familiar voice, "Hello everyone," A pause, as a phone rang, "I'll be right there, it's the Administrator," Miss Pauling said, excusing herself from the room. Scout glanced at Sniper, eyes wide with realization. Scout nudged his arm and they walked upstairs to Scouts room, Scout frantically closing the door behind him.

"Fuck, holy fuck, okay, shit, how do I do this?" Scout asked, wringing his hands together nervously.

Sniper has sat down on Scout's bed. He shrugged, thinking for a moment. He then began, "Well, Miss Pauling listens in and offers advice during the team meeting, and after she usually eats here and finishes up paperwork. Tell her then."

Scout nodded, taking in the information. His brain had like, basically shut off. Thinking right now just wasn't going to happen. He took a deep breath to calm himself. "Yeah, yeah that sounds good. Thanks, Sniper," Scout said.

He nodded, "No problem, mate. Good luck." Sniper said.

There was a knock on the door, a pause, and then the door opened. Engineer stood in the doorway. "Miss Pauling's here, and she's ready to start," He concluded.

Scout nodded and the three of them went downstairs together and into the meeting room. Scout thought the whole room was way over dramatic. It was a dark room without windows in the corner of the house. There was a big table that everyone crowded around while they discussed their job. It was the same every time; just kill more people. Scout rolled his eyes.

Everyone was shuffling around, sitting around the table. Miss Pauling was organizing some papers, writing things on the chalkboard behind her. Scout took a seat, with Sniper to his left, and Pyro and Engie to his right. The rest of the crew eventually sat down and Miss Pauling began.

Scout zoned out through most of the meeting, because he was barely mentioned the entire time. He was mostly concerned with how he would tell Miss Pauling he liked her. However, when Sniper's name was mentioned, it brought him back to reality.

"Sniper, I have a new gun from our suppliers that the Administrator would like you to use. I'll give it to you later, before I leave." Miss Pauling said, reading from her list of notes.

"Alright," Sniper mumbled nervously. She nodded and began discussing something with Demoman. Scout looked over at Sniper. He gave him a sympathetic smile, and Sniper flushed and smiled back. 

The meeting ended fairly quickly, and everyone quickly shuffled out of the room. Scout didn't have to worry about making dinner since it was Spy's turn. He nervously waited until Spy had finished, and quickly volunteered to take a plate to Miss Pauling. He skipped diner, despite how good it smelled, since his nerves probably wouldn't allow anything to go down, anyways.

Scout walked down the hall to the meeting room. The door was still left open since the room was usually stuffy. He knocked on the open door to let her know he was coming in. Miss Pauling glanced up from her paperwork and smiled. "Hey, Scout." She said.

"Hey, Miss Pauling!" Scout greeted. He set the plate down next to her, "dinners ready. Spy made it, though."

Miss Pauling laughed. "Thanks, Scout." She said. She began eating and Scout sat down diagonally from her. As she continued eating she realized Scout hadn't left. "Was there something you needed?" Miss Pauling asked after a few minutes of Scout awkwardly staring at her.

"Yeah, yeah, there was actually. So I was wondering if you wanted, to like, go on, like, a date, sometime." Scout stuttered out, nervously.

Miss Pauling grimaced. 'I'm flattered Scout, I really am, but I can't." She said, "Sorry."

"Why?" Scout blurted out.

Miss Pauling opened her mouth to speak, but then shut it again. She glanced at the open door. She glanced away from his intense gaze, staring at her paper. "I, uh, don't swing that way." Miss Pauling said.

Scout stared at her, dumbfounded. "Uh, what?" He asked.

Miss Pauling sighed, "I'm gay, Scout."

It was now Scouts turn to open his mouth and close is again. "Oh, well, okay." He muttered.

"Yeah, sorry," Miss Pauling said. She went back to her work, occasionally taking bites of the dinner. Scout took that as his cue to leave.

"Alright, well, i'll see you later, Miss P."  Scout said.

Her head snapped up. "Bye, Scout." She said, waving with the pencil still in her hand.

Scout nodded, walking out of the room. Everyone had dispersed from the kitchen table. He numbly walked to his room. The world seemed slightly out of focus as Miss Pauling's words began to set in. Scout walked into the room, shutting the door behind him and collapsing on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling in the darkness. Her words echoed in his head.

I'm flattered, Scout, I really am, but I can't.

It made perfect sense, really. Now that Scout put some thought into it, of course Miss Pauling was gay. She had 9 guys that would probably marry her in a heartbeat and yet she ignored all of them. She never mentioned another guy. It made so much sense.

Scout sighed. He knew that Miss Pauling couldn't help it, she just was that way, but it still hurt. Scout knew he shouldn't have gotten his hopes up so much, but his emotions had gotten the better of him. He sighed again, as much as he wanted to ignore how he felt, the feelings of heartbreak were already setting in, and there wasn't anything he could do to stop it. He just simply let himself crumple into a ball of sadness until sleep overtook him.

A/N: miss pauling is gay and I'll fite u

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