Chapter 6

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They arrived at the beach not too long after that. It was a lake about 45 minutes from Teufort. The gang spilled out of the vehicle and went in varying directions, Scout not really paying attention. He only noticed Miss Pauling walk over to the food and bar area. She immediately struck up a conversation with the bartendender and got a drink. Scout smiled.

"Hey, Scout, wanna come hang out with me and Pyro?" Engineer asked, Pyro still loading his things out of the van.

Scout glanced at Sniper. He nodded, not even needing Scout to ask. "Sure, is it alright is Sniper tags along?" Scout asked.

"Of course! The more the merrier!" Engineer said. The four of them headed off to find a nice spot on the beach.

They settled on an area close to the bar to keep near Miss Pauling but enough out on the beach to look normal. They were also fairly secluded and away from the public crowds, which were mostly down the beach a ways. Only a few families lingered down here.

They all set their chairs down and Scout pushed the umbrella into the ground. Pyro was already up out of his seat, running to fill his pail with wet sand. As he came back he started packing the sand together to build a sand castle.

Scout began lathering on a generous amount of sunscreen. "Whoa there, mate. Ya got enough of that?" Sniper said from his chair, half grinning.

Scout glared at him. "If I don't, I will fry like an egg," He explained.

Sniper laughed. "Alright, whatever you say.

Once he was finished, Scout leaned back in his chair. "So now what?" Scout asked.

Sniper shrugged. "You could swim, but if you want that sunscreen to work you'll have to wait about twenty minutes."

Engineer piped in, "Scout can barely sit still for five," He teased.

Sniper chuckled. Scout glared at them. "Psssh, I'll just sit here and chill. Watch me," Scout said, easing back into his seat. Sniper and Engie glanced at each other with a skeptical look but neither say anything. It was especially easy for Sniper to just sit back and relax, that's what being a sniper was. Sitting, and waiting.

But after nearly two minutes, Scout was bored out of his mind. He wiggled around in his chair, not being able to find a comfortable position. He watched as Pyro continued to build up his sandcastle. He just got the first four walls done. Engineer calmly watched the water, while taking note of Pyro every once in awhile. And Scout couldn't quite tell what Sniper was looking at under his sunglasses.

Scout only managed to squirm around for another few minutes before he sighed. "I'm so bored," He whined.

Engineer chuckled, "I told you he couldn't last,"

Sniper laughed, nodding. "Well, you wanna head to the restrooms with me? I'm gonna change into swim trunks."

Scout nodded, thankful to get up. They walked over to the restrooms, which were right beside the area and food area. Scout, who was already changed into swimwear, decided to go check up on Miss Pauling.

She was sat at the bar, alone, talking to the bartender. She was a women, looking about Miss Pauling's age. She had long, dark blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun and wore a grey tank top with simple shorts.

She laughed at something Miss Pauling said before she had to tend to other costumes. Scout strolled up and sat beside Miss Pauling. "Hey," he said.

"Hey, Scout," Miss Pauling said brightly.

"How's it going?" He asked, though her gave her a look that meant more.

She leaned in. "The targets secure, i'm just looking for my opportunity," She whispered. Scout nodded. She spoke up, back to normal, cheery voice, "Its great! What about you?"

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