Chapter 16

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The dreaded "check-up week" was upon the Mercs. The Administrator demanded physicals from the team roughly every six months, and it began with Medic testing himself in his lab. A few people later, Scout was called in.

"Hey, check uptime?" Scout asked, flopping down on the examination table like it was his bed.

Medic frowned at him. "Yes, but, the Administrator isn't asking for nearly as much." He began. He was flipping through a clipboard frantically, before settling on a page.

Medic started with something stupidly simple, taking Scouts temperate. "Appears to be good," He muttered to himself after taking it.

Next was blood pressure. The machine squeezed around Scouts right arm before releasing, and Medic looked unfazed as he jotted the numbers down. After that was heartbeat. Medic listened to Scouts heart and his lungs for anything abnormal,  but everything seemed to be in check.

Medic looked down his throat, hit a weird thing on Scout's knee for reflexes, and began asking questions.

"Do you drink?" Medic asked, flatly. Scout could tell me was over this whole thing.

"Really? Doc, have ya met me?" Scout asked.

Medic rolled his eyes and made a small note. He read the next question and cringed. "Are you sexually active?"

Scout felt his face heat up. "I-I I mean, I'm, um, yes," Scout stammered.

Medic rolled his eyes and mumbled something under his breath, "At least I won't have to ask Sniper," he paused and cleared his throat. "Alright, I need to draw blood and then were finished." He said, moving up to get the tools.

"Alrighty," Scout said, holding his arm out. Medic came back over and inserted the needle. Scout merely blinked. When you're being shot everyday, you kind of get used to it.

"Alright, Scout, that's all, can you send Engineer in?" He asked.

Scout nodded. "Yep, no problem." He said, walking out of the medbay. He passed Engie in the hallway and told him it was his turn, before heading back into his room.

Sniper has stayed in there while Scout was getting his check up. Upon opening the door, Scout saw him sitting on his bed, gazing out the window with a bored expression. But his face was beautiful. Scout stood there for a moment to mentally capture it. Maybe he could draw it later.

Sniper then turned to him. "Hey, how'd it go?" He asked.

Scout flopped down on the bed next to him. "Fine," He said.

Sniper hummed a response. He continued looking out the window, tapping his fingers anxiously on the windowsill. Scout glanced up at him. "Hey, what's wrong?" He said, already grabbing Snipers hand.

Sniper smiled warmly at the gesture. "It's nothing," He paused, "important. It's nothing important." He concluded.

Scout sat up. He took both of Snipers hand in his now. "If something's bothering you it's not nothing," Scout said. He gave him a look, and Sniper knew he wasn't getting out of this one.

"It's really dumb," He said. His calm façade was beginning to crumble.

"Your problems aren't dumb," Scout reassures, placing a kiss on each of his hands. Sniper flushed a pink color and he couldn't contain the smile that forced its way upon his face.

"I," he paused again, taking a breath, "I hate the checkups, I can't do it, I feel like I'm going to have an anxiety attack, Scout, I–" Sniper said, his words becoming more and more rushed.

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