"Wow," The tailor whispered. I looked over at her, and smiled kindly. She was younger, maybe early 20's. Her hair was brown and long, and her eyes were a beautiful blue color. She was actually quite pretty, and her name tag read Paisley.

"Annabel, you look absolutely exquisite." My mother complimented. And if I may say so myself, she was right. This dress suited my body quite well, and it didn't show off too much, except for my cleavage, because of the low V that the dress had. Other than that, the dress was amazingly beautiful.

"I think this is the one," I said, turning on my foot, to look at the back of the dress.

"Oh darling, you're going to look sublime!" My mother exclaimed. I smiled, and went back into the dressing room, to change. I slipped on my nude maxi skirt with a black band, and my black bandeau type crop top, and slid on my white Marc Jacobs sandals, and opened the dressing room door. My mother was speaking to a worker, at the checkout counter, with a credit card in between her index and middle finger. I decided to have a conversation with Paisley.

"Hey," I approached the girl. She was sitting on a cushion that was meant for customers to sit on while they watched women try on dresses. Her eyes looked up from her hands, that were before, stabbing pins back into the pin cushion.

"Oh, hi." She smiled.

"Thank you for helping, and sorry for my mother. I know she can be a real handful." I let out an awkward laugh.

"Oh no worries, I've seen worse, trust me." She assured me, laughing. After the laughter died down, the awkwardness continued. "So, are you uh.. you're getting married?" She raised an eyebrow, with a strange look on her face.

"Oh no," I laughed. "I'm only 19. I'm going to an annual ball at the country club I go to."

"Okay now that makes more sense." Paisley giggled. "I didn't think you were older or anything, I thought it was pretty weird for a teenager to get married, but trust me that isn't what I meant."

"No worries, I totally get it." I laughed. My mother called my name, with the large black sleeve in her hand, that held my dress. I waved goodbye to the brunette, and walked out of the bridal shop, which had all kinds of dresses in it. My mother and I sat in the car, with surprisingly something to talk about. We ranted on about the ball that was coming up in two days, and all I could seem to think about, was if Harry would be able to see me in the dress, or not.


~Harry's POV~

"Want one, Styles?" Travis called out.

"Sure," I responded. Why not, right? He came back from the kitchen, and tossed me the bottle of beer I agreed to having, before falling back on the couch.

"So what's new, Harry?" Niall asked, after taking a sip of his beer.

"Nothing really." I responded.

"What about Annabel? What's going on with her?" He questioned.

"Woah woah woah, wait!" Travis held out his hands, as if he was telling us to stop. "Who's this Annabel, we're talking about, and why don't I know her?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You can take this one." Niall chuckled.

"She's my friend," I hesitated.

"Bullshit Harry!" Liam called out.

"She's my girlfriend." I corrected.

"Styles has a girlfriend?!" Travis yelled.

"That's what we all said." Niall laughed, drinking more of his beer. I tilted my bottle back as well, hoping to cure this pounding headache that was beginning to take place.

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