“She’s just a little girl; I don’t know why King Pyrdian allows her to roam freely through the castle.”

            “Alright, we’re done setting up. I never thought we would ever have Cardinians staying overnight at the palace.”

I heard their footsteps getting closer and I ran off. I felt like crying, if I do marry him, I’d be married to a horrible prince! Not only that, but is this really what the servants thought about me? I knew people saw me as a weak princess, but am I really only capable of marriage? 

            There was only one place I wanted to be at right now. I ran to the barracks again to visit Lidia and Kane.

            “Where’s Kane?” I asked Lidia. She was grooming  her horse at the stables next to the barracks.

            “The captain of the guard called for him. Why, do you need him?”

            “No, it’s okay, I need girl advice.”

            “Sure, I’m not really feminine, but I’ll do what I can.”

            “Lidia, you’re what, nineteen?”

            “Yeah but what does my age have to do with anything?”

            “Have you ever thought about marriage?”

            “Well, once but what girl doesn’t?”

            “If you had a choice, between marrying for love or marrying for the good of others, which would you pick?”

She stopped grooming her horse, put her hand on her hip and thought about my question.

            “Well, I would rather be married to someone I loved, but ultimately I would choose marrying the other person if it would benefit others.”

            “But wouldn’t you be sad if you were to spend your whole life with someone you didn’t love.”

            “Sure, if it helps others, I don’t know how, but I would always put the people I cared about ahead of me. Who knows, you could also grow to love the person you marry.”

I doubt I would grow to love a good-for-nothing prince.

            She took her gloves off and patted my head.

            “Do what you feel is right. I’m afraid this is all the time I can spare for you. I’m leaving for the west trade route. Apparently there have been bandits stealing our shipments.”

She started off for the knight’s tower where they planned all their strategies and kept all their equipment. As she passed me though, she comforted me and slipped something into my hand.

            “I know you’ll be okay, whatever you do. You’re a talented, smart, strong princess, no matter what anybody says.”

I looked at what she gave me. It was a necklace chain with a single pendant hanging from it. The pendant had a picture of an Azalea flower engraved in it. I put it in the pocket of my dress.

            After supper I went back into my room and changed into my nightgown. I sat at my vanity table where I took apart my braid. I looked at the mirror and sighed. Prince Christopher’s words kept echoing in my head. What do you think would happen if the emerald of Cardinia and the diamond of Pyrus were joined together to make a ring? I looked at the pendant Lidia gave me before she left. I stared at it as I thought about her advice. I put the chain on, redid my braid, and headed out of my room.


Christopher's POV 

            I was busy reading a book at my desk, when I heard a knock at my room door and one of my guards came in. He saluted me and told me that I had a visitor. I really hoped it wasn’t that annoying servant girl who kept asking if I needed anything. I told my guard to let whoever it was in and when my guard motioned her to come in, I saw that it wasn’t the servant girl. Instead it was a girl dressed in a pale pink short-sleeved nightgown. I dismissed my guard and after he closed the door, I got up, sat on my bed, and took a good look at her.

            “Princess Azalea, I take it you’ve reached a decision about my proposal.”

Just like I did to her in the garden, she walked up to me until she only stood about two feet away. She looked at me with her shining silver eyes that seemed to show determination and no fear.

            “Prince Christopher of Cardinia, you have yourself a wife.” 


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