Good Morning.

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- hayley wakes you up with kisses.
- it can either be at 6am or noon, it varies each day.
- her contagious giggles are usually the first thing you hear.
- or her low/raspy morning voice (which you absolutely ADORE.)
- she'll squish your cheeks or tickle your ribs until you'll open your eyes to look at her.
- before saying the words "You've got the cutest sleepy face, that I've EVER seen!"
- you usually just frown your eyebrows at her, a smile creeping across your face.
- as, you pull her into your arms and cuddle her.
- you'll probably lay in bed together for another hour or so.
- listening to music together, watching a TV show you both love or just relaxing.
- she'll try to temp you out of bed by convincing you that she'll make breakfast.
- you don't believe her, but allow her to drag you out of bed anyways.
- you both drink your morning tea/coffee, outside in the fresh air.
- just chatting together, holding hands + sharing sweet kisses.

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