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Tae's P.O.V.

   "Hey welcome to the party!" Namjoon greeted me, "Yoongi's inside." Jungkook handed me a red solo cup, classic, Namjoon's arm securely around him. At least Jin can sleep easily knowing his brother is taken care of and Namjoon moved on. "Ah welcome!" I walked in as Namjoon greeted another person. I know he's not going to be here, but a bit of me hopes he is. Hoseok left a year ago, without a word.

   "Chug, chug, chug!" People chanted around Yoongi drinking, everyone cheered when he did and he did a party animal's noise.

   I looked seeing someone in a mask, "you looking for Hoseok?" I nodded, he had orange hair like Hoseok had, I thought it was him, but he took off the mask. It was Jimin, "over there." He pointed.

   I looked at him wide eyed, Hoseok was leaning against the wall aimlessly looking at his cup bored. His hair wasn't orange, it was brown, hair styled differently, no glasses matching his features nor accompanying his cheeks and when a girl asked him to dance he declined smiling.

   "Sorry I don't feel like dancing," he waved his hand up having his jacket sleeve fall down revealing the bracelet. He then caught my gaze, his smile dropping and he continued talking to the girl. Me on the other hand, couldn't stop looking at him. "Do you mind not staring?" He glared at me and stomped off. He walked outside, I ran after him grabbing his wrist, "let go." He ordered and I shook my head reaching to touch his face. "L-let go Taehyung, you're making me more self conscious," he told me and I stroked his cheek.

   "You're so beautiful," I told him feeling him blush under my hand, "where have you been?" My voice was no higher than a whisper as I leaned in to kiss him.

   "I can't," he stopped me and looked down, breaking our eye contact. "I have someone back in Boston...I'm sorry."

   "O-oh," I backed away, "must be someone spe-cial." My voice cracked, bur I cleared my throat trying to play it off.

   "Yeah she's special," he smiled as I slipped the box into my pocket. "You found anyone since I've been gone?" He walked around and I wasn't sure about walking until he turned back to me, "let's walk like old friends," he gave a smile as I caught up to him. "So have you?"

   "I've just been um, studying for school," and looking for you, changing for you, crying over you.

   "Have you been doing okay?" He asked genuinely curious.

   "Yeah, for the most part only just recently got rejected from a purposal. How about you?"

   "Oh I'm so sorry! That person's a bitch and doesn't deserve a great guy like you," he assured, only that he doesn't understand that person is perfect. Like nothing else in life. "You know at points in life you hit super low, but the only thing about that is, once you hit rock bottom all that you do is go up." I smiled at his gesture and his phone rang, "oh its Alyssa, one second." He clicked the button and held it to his ear, afterwards his smile drop and dropped his phone.

   "You okay?" I asked and he shook his head, I picked the phone up pressing it to my ear hearing moans and I could tell there was two people. "God damn bitch!"

   "Who's this?"

   "This is Taehyung, Hoseok's best friend. You've got until he goes back to get your shit out of his place. Filthy whore," I hung up and Hoseok looked at me with shocked puffy eyes. "Its okay," I hugged him.

   "T-Taehyung," he looked at me after a few minutes of crying and I hummed in response, "does it hurt to be gay? Do people hurt you as bad?"

   "Well its different for everyone," I told him.

   "You treat me amazingly, I understand this is awkward, but maybe...can I have one night with you?" He asked and I sighed brushing his hair out of his face.

   "I don't want you to do anything you'll regret," I told him and he shook his head.

   "Just kiss me and tell me if you feel sparks," he ordered and I rolled my eye grabbing the back of his neck pulling him in.

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