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   "Heyo nice to see you again Taehyung," Rae winked walking to me, I felt the need to vomit. I don't see how I saw her as attractive, but she isn't to me now. Honestly I only love Hoseok. "So I hear you did drugs and killed a boy."

    "Had a gay lover and Yoongi does too."

   "Became friends with J-Hope."

   Her crowd of whores surrounded me and I opened my locker keeping silent. I had pictures of Hoseok in my locker from his Instagram. One of us when he thought I was V and he was J-Hope. "J-Hope is approved, but who's the other boy? Ho-seok," she said weirdly watching my reaction, how does she know him. "The boy you killed or your lover? Wait or was it J-Hope?"

   "Leave me alone, I didn't kill anyone," I told her annoyed.

   "Wait is that you? You dyed your hair? Where were you? It looks like an underground club," Jae butted in looking at my picture of us together, "is that Jiwoo too? And Yoongi?! You were friends with them! They're so hot, do you have their numbers?" She grabbed the picture and I grabbed it back, "hey!"

   "Don't touch my shit," I growled putting it back, "don't say that about them either, Jiwoo's gay and J-Hope doesn't date."

   "Awe is Taehyung scared that we'll take his toy?" Hye asked coming closer making me scoff.

   "I made him my property the second I saw him," I smirked as she gasped and someone called my cell. "Hello?"

   "Jimin's in the hospital," Yoongi said crying over the phone making my heart drop, "I-I found him in the d-dance studio. I-I should have been there, I d-don't know what t-to do."

   "I'll be there soon," I looked at the girls hanging up and slamming my locker shut. "I need you guys to drive me to Seoul. If you do you'll meet them, please Jiwoo is in the hospital."

   "Thank you," we got out of the car and I walked into the lobby seeing Yoongi with red puffy eyes, I immediately hugged him. "He's refusing to eat, he'll die if he doesn't. They forced a feeding tube, but he's refusing." He cried into my chest and I patted his back. The girls understood and sat down. "Please talk to him," he asked and I nodded as he escorted us to his room. I stopped in front of Hoseok's room looking at him. Stupid tunnels.

   "I won't eat! If Hoseok doesn't eat, I won't eat," Jimin screamed and I sighed walking in seeing the doctors being yelled at. "What do you want?"

   "Jimin...are you seriously not eating?" I asked him and he nodded, "I have 3 fans of yours, do you think they would want you to starve yourself?"

   "I don't care about them," he crossed his arms.

   "Okay, think about Hoseok and Yoongi, would they want you to starve? Yoongi doesn't, he called me and I know Hoseok wouldn't. Look," I sat down by his bed. "I understand you miss Hoseok, I do too. Sure not as much, but I miss him. I know you blame me for what happened, don't blame Yoongi or anyone else. You don't have to listen to me, just listen to them. Just eat please?"

   "Bring me some kimchi jjigae!" He screamed and I smiled getting up, Yoongi hugged me then ran up to Jimin.

   "That's Jiwoo, also Jimin, Yoongi's boyfriend," I told them, "stay healthy Jimin, let Yoongi take care of you." I waved them off walking down the hall stopping in the door way of Hoseok's room.

   "Who's that?" Rae asked coming closer and I sighed.

   "He's still as beautiful as always," I said smiling at him, "hasn't changed. That's J-Hope, known as Hoseok."

   "What happened?" Hye asked as I walked closer to him and smiled looking at him.

   "Drugs," I answered, "I love you Hoseok." I kissed his forehead smiling, "he didn't mean for this to happen." I walked towards the exit of the room looking one last time at him before leaving. "I think we should get back to Daegu."

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