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Hoseok's P.O.V.

   The day of the funeral came, I felt horrible for Jungkook. All he really and was Jin, Jin and him were like Jimin and I. After the day Jin died, everything about Jungkook was dull, gaze, face, energy, etc. Like without Jin, he had no reason to live. Sure all of us were sad, but Jungkook took it worse, even worse that his mother. We were all worried about him.

   "You ready?" Jimin poked his head in and I nodded.

   Jungkook looked dead to be honest and I wanted to comfort him. I walked over pulling him into a hug which he returned crying. I shed a few tears too and pat his head.

   The days after that were just plain, Jungkook had no spirit and Namjoon was a broken mess. I walked down the stairs to the mailbox and took the mail out. A big envelope was in it.

To: All the Boys
From: K.SJ

   I walked up to the house, "what is that?" Taehyung asked and I shrugged opening it, a CD fell out. I looked at it confused and put it in the DVD player.

   "Is it working? Yeah," the camera was covered with a shirt then it back away to reveal Jin. "Hi, I guess if you're watching this, either I'm dead or I was an idiot and left it out." He clasped his hands together.

   "Okay, Jungkookie, I know this is hard," he took a deep breathe, "but bare with it. Soon you'll meet a guy that treats you amazingly, like Namjoon did for me. Life's a road and I want you to stay on it for me. No suicide," he pointed sternly making Jungkook laugh.with no humor. "I can hear you laughing," he smiled brighter, "I want you to be like that all the time. Its okay at points to be sad, but not because of me. Okay Kookie?"

   "Okay Jin hyung," he smiled with tears of happiness coming from his eyes.


   "Yes Princess?" He asked still looking dead.

   "Please, if you truly love me or did," he started.

   "I do," he said and Jin sighed.

   "Don't cut me off," Jin knew us very well, it was as if he was actually there. I smiled, "take care of Kookie, like you did me. I understand you need someone to care for, but please let Jungkook cook the food. I don't want you dead so soon," he laughed, "there's my Namjoon. I love you Joonie, please find someone else to love, I don't even care if it is my brother. At least I'd know he's taken care of. Smile Joonie, your dimples are gorgeous. Plus watch out for knives and onions."

   "Okay babe, I'll spoil him," Namjoon smiled at Jungkook and Jungkook returned it. There goes The Match Maker Jin, I guess he's selfless to let the love of his life go with his brother. That's hell of a story.

   "Now Jimin, my little Mochi," Jimin chuckled at the name, "spend the rest of your life happily. I hope you and Yoongi stay together and have 10 little ones of you guys running around."

   "Whoa let's start with one," Yoongi laughed.

   The video went on for a while until he was done with all of us, "you guys gonna stay happy for Momma Jin?" We all nodded, "good then I'll see you soon, love ya guys. Bye." He waved us off and turned off the camera.

   After about a month or two, I saw Namjoon, his arm securely around Jungkook making me smile. Good thing they are happy.

   I walked around my room grabbing and packing for my trip. Two years in America, yay! No one knows, but my parents and well Jimin, he's coming with me. I don't know how this is going to be to fun.

   I walked down stairs being greeted by Jimin with his bags, "you ready?"

   I nodded sighing, "you told Yoongi?" He nodded smiling, I knew he was sad about it.

   "He told me he'd wait for me," I smiled taking everything to the car and put it in the trunk. Jimin and I looked at the studio, "goodbye for now studio."

   "Watch out America," I mumbled getting in the car.

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