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   "Was my whole life a lie?!" I yelled and my mom was wiping away her tears and Taehyung comforted her.

   "Calm down Hoseok!" Taehyung yelled glaring and I pushed him, "stop it Hoseok!" He pushed back holding my wrists.

   "Was it all just a lie? Did my mom not want me and you guys took me in out of pity?" I asked and mom shook her head, "then why didn't you tell me?"

   "We didn't want you to always wonder why your mother left," mom said weakly and I felt back pushing Taehyung off me then hugging her.

   "Is there anything else you aren't telling me?" I asked dad and he nodded, "what?"

   "Taehyung," he started and I looked at Taehyung confused, "you should tell him, we'll give you some time." He grabbed mom out of my grasp walking to the studio.

   "What is it?" I asked and sat down.

   "You have amnesia," he started, "the story is a bit complicated."

   "I have time."

   "Okay, I moved here from Daegu to live with my aunt and attend school. While my friend Yoongi, Jimin's boyfriend and I were walking I ran into Jimin. I went to hit him, but you yelled at me. You hated me. Yoongi and Namjoon took me to the tunnels and that's where I met J-Hope, I was V. We started talking not knowing each other and didn't fight. Eventually had a relationship in the tunnels-"

   I cut him off, "I'm not gay."

   "You were," he said, "you got angry at me, not V and ran off. You went to the East room in the tunnels and the drugs were so powerful. It messed up your lungs and a bit of your brain. Now you don't remember me."

   "Why didn't you just tell me?" I asked and sighed, "was I seriously gay? Did I actually like you?"  He nodded and I pulled him over to me.

   "I'm not going to force you to like me again, I hope you eventually do, but I understand it happened and you might not want to change." I was confused.

   "At first when I kissed you during the dare, I didn't feel anything. Maybe after knowing this, maybe I might feel something," I told him dangerously close glancing at his eyes then lips, "please, kiss me, see if anything comes back." I didn't think I would ever beg for a kiss from a guy, but maybe I will remember. "Please," I pressed onto him.

   His breath hitched, "are you sure?" I nodded and he sighed, "don't regret this." He grabbed the back of my neck and pressed his lips lightly on mine then pulled back. "Okay?" I shook my head pulling him in again and slid my tongue in his mouth. If I was gay, I want to know why. He back me up against the wall still kissing. Then he pulled away surprised, "your parents are downstairs, we shouldn't go any farther." I panted and nodded kissing him once more.

   "I see why," I winked at him walking upstairs, "you're an amazing kisser."

Jungkook's P.O.V.

   All of us were hanging out at a restaurant and laughing. "Jin, why are you always recording us?" I asked laughing and he shrugged.

   "Preserving memories," he smiled and Namjoon kissed him sweetly and I scrunched my face up in disgust.

   "PDA!" I shrieked and they laughed. "So how have you guys been doing?" I asked Jimin and Yoongi.

   "Still going strong, fight here and there, but we work it out," Yoongi smiled and I nodded. It was sweet, but I'm an awkward little fetus that hates relationships.

   "Mom? Have you seen Jin hyung?" I asked peaking my head into her room and she shook her head, "he's probably at Namjoon's then." I picked up my phone dialing Namjoon's number.


   "Yo its Jin's brother, Jungkook. Is he at your house?" I asked him.

   "No, he isn't. Is there something you need?"

   "No, I just was wondering. Well if you see him tell him I need him," I hung up and sighed, "where is that boy?"

   "What?!" Mom shouted and I ran upstairs startled, she had tears running down her face, "w-we will be t-there." She hug up looking at me, "get in the car."

   "Mrs. Jeon, I'm afraid Jin has passed away," the doctor said sympathetically and patted my mom's back. "The leukemia was too strong," she said as my mom stood still.

   I laughed humorlessly, "my hyung is strong, he can do anything. Why are you lying? He's not dead!" I didn't believe it, I couldn't believe it. "I want to see my hyung!"

   "Jungkook, he's gone," Jimin said bringing me into a hug, "I'm sorry."

   "N-no he can't be."

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