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   "Not a king so much anymore now," Guk said slamming me into the locker, I felt weak, Yoongi told me that Hoseok still hasn't woke up. Its been a month god damnit! "What to good to speak to me?" He laughed.

   "J-just let me go," I told him softly. "Please just let me go," I begged. I sound like Hoseok when I grabbed him from the tunnels.

   Tears filled up in my eyes, "I heard you murdered a boy, Hoseok? Was that his name?" I was about to break down, "you're nothing, but shit. Killing an innocent boy."

   "I didn't kill him!" I screamed, "I would have never tried to hurt my Hoseok," I pushed him off opening my locker to grab the gift I'm taking to Hoseok.

   "There's the Taehyung I know," he smiled, "now hit me, kick me."

   "I'm not the same Taehyung, I changed," I scoffed pushing him away and heading to exit the school. "Now stop thinking I am," I told him leaving.

   "Hey," I smiled walking into the room, "I brought you something," I told him. I sat by him, "its a bracelet, one side it has a sneaker and the other has a camera. I know you like dancing, so you are the shoe. I'm the camera, you don't know this and its a bit creepy, but I took pictures of you. My favorites are when you were reading, you always looked like an angel. If you wake up I would love to show you, but its creepy." I smiled, "you don't mind if I put this on you would you?" I clasped it onto his wrist, "I have a matching one. So if we are separated we can look for the bracelets and know. I won't take it off, I don't know about you." I grabbed his hand kissing his forehead, "I'm not giving up hope, I love you Hoseok."

Jimin's P.O.V.

   "Where did this come from?" I asked looking at a hole in my shirt, "jeez." I flung it off and put on other shirt.

   "Jimin!" Mom yelled and I groaned walking downstairs. The look on her face said that everything was fine, "he woke up!" That moment my emotions kicked in, all I wanted was Hoseok. To be hugged by him, the only comfort that not even Yoongi could provide, only Hoseok. I ran like no tomorrow and I wasn't going stop until I got to him.

   "Hoseok!" I ran in sweating and out of breath as tears streamed down my face.

   "Jimin? Why are you crying?" He asked dumbly as I ran hugging him. "Its fine, what happened? Why am I here?" I sat down proceeding to tell him everything, "wait who's V and Yoongi?"

   "Yoongi's my boyfriend, V is your boyfriend, don't you remember?" wait why doesn't he remember them...oh shit.

   "No I'm straight," he chuckled ruffling my hair, "you're becoming delusional."

   I walked into the hall, "doctor!"

   "What's wrong?" Dr. Rem asked worriedly and sighed realizing physically he was okay.

   "Um we have 2 friends, but he doesn't remember them. Taehyung the boy who always comes alone and give him gifts, then the one always with me," I explained.

   "He has memory loss?" He said checking him.

   I dialed in Tae's number knowing he'll want to know about Hoseok, "hello?"

   "Yo, any updates?" His voice sounds like he was tired.

   "Y-yeah, he has woken up, but he doesn't remember Yoongi or you," I said quickly and a deep breath come across the line.

   "I'll be there in a while." He hung up.

   "Where did this bracelet come from?" Hoseok asked and I shrugged, my best guess is Taehyung. I can tell Tae loves Hoseok, if Hoseok doesn't remember him, I hope he'll let him into his life.

   "So how is he?" Tae ran to me smiling. "Can I see him?"

   "Taehyung, he doesn't remember you two," I paused, "but I hope this is a chance for you two restart. This time treat him better. I'll find a way to be in his life more-I got it!" I pulled him into the room to Hoseok, "this is your nurse," I told him.

   "Oh I don't need a nurse, I'll be going home today," he smiled, "sorry my cousin is a bit wacko."

   "No Mr. Jung, you'll be needing a nurse to make sure you're breathing and medically okay," he pulled Tae to him, "this is Mr. Kim Taehyung, your nurse."

   "He doesn't even look professional," Hoseok argued.

   "He's on call," the doctor said. This is my favorite doctor.

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