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   "So I hear there's a new dance competition, you thinking of going," Jungkook asked me as I did my homework.

   "Can't, I need to focus on school," I answered as the bell of the door rang, "we're closed!" I got up walking towards it seeing Taehyung. "Hello Mr. Kim, we'd love to have you, but you tried assaulting my cousin so...get."

   "My aunt told me to bring you these," he said handing me some cookies. "She says that I should be friends with you, honestly I'd rather not. I've got better things to do than hang out with nerds," he said walking out and joined with the blue haired boy from yesterday and a purple haired one.

   I was pissed, I am not a nerd, "where is it?"

   "Yo! Its NEURON," the host yelled at Jimin, Jungkook, and I making us chuckle.

   "Pick a card," the assistant said and I picked our card, "7!"

Tae's P.O.V.

   "This is what you do on your free time?" I asked Yoongi and Namjoon sitting, I was sorta bored in this scene.

   "Shush, shush, NEURON is performing!" A lady by us said rudely then awing at the stage.

   "Let's give it up for NEURON!" The host yelled as 3 boys popped on stage.

   "Are they a big deal?" I asked the girl by me and she nodded vigorously.

   "Of course, everyone comes to see them. They're kings, no one knows who they are outside the tunnels. They're mysterious, not even the host and assistant know their real names.

   "Let's give it up for NEURON one more time!" Everyone seemed to scream louder hyped, one bumping into me causing me to fall, but my didn't make impact.

   "You okay?" A boy asked with black hair, he was familiar, the lead dancer. He chuckled setting me on my feet, "watch out, people get rowdy!"

   "J-Hope, after party in the back!" A pink haired boy pulled on the boy and noticed me, "oh hey. Come on, I hear Jin is back there too!"

   "You wanna come?" J-Hope asked me making Namjoon and Yoongi drop their jaws, "you guys wanna come too?" They nodded violently and the pink haired boy grabbed Yoongi pulling him with us. "You coming?" J-Hope asked and I nodded making him smirk as he walked off. Namjoon grabbed me following them.

   "We're partying with NEURON?! I think Jiwoo got Yoongi hooked," Namjoon chuckled and I looked seeing Yoongi with pinkie dancing. Yoongi isn't gay, but Jiwoo has this feminine body about him, so who knows, Yoongi might swing that way.

   The music was blaring and I could smell the liquor, I sighed wondering over to the tables. I downed a cup and grabbed another. "Aren't you a little young?" I was asked and I spun around seeing J-Hope. "Come on, join my friends and I," he grabbed my wrist pulling me into a booth. "Wook and Jin meet..."

   Everyone seemed to have fake names here, so, "V."

   "Meet V," J-Hope smiled, "V meet Wook, the other member of NEURON and Hye. His brother," I waved a bit. "Is Jiwoo grinding on your friend?" J-Hope squinted his eyes and then laughed, "wow, sorry for your friend."

   "What do you mean?" I asked him as Wook laughed and Jin sighed.

   Wook spoke up, "Jiwoo, he's a player. Every time he comes here there's a victim. One night with the beautiful Jiwoo, then don't talk ever again. He's got a streak."

   "Well then he gets a taste of his own medicine," I took a sip, everyone at the table had a drink, but J-Hope, "you gonna drink?"

   "No," he denied, "I am in charge that the boys make it home safe, so no drinking for me."

   "Bro! Have you seen the drinks they got?" Namjoon asked walking up to our table.

   "First time in the V.I.P.?" Jin asked us and Namjoon nodded, "then join us!" Jin pulled Namjoon into the booth with us.

   "Can I get your autograph?" A girl asked walking up to our table with a Sharpie.

   "Sure thing," J-Hope grabbed the marker signing her wrist then passing it around. "Get home safely!" He waved her off and Jiwoo and Yoongi came to the table laughing and holding hands.

   "I naming you Suga," Jiwoo said to Yoongi like he was a pet laughing and Yoongi nodded, "you're so sweet." Jiwoo hand Yoongi under his spell making J-Hope and I chuckle, the philophobiac and homophobic Yoongi has been whipped by a boy. "Hey Gravity!" Jiwoo did a handshake with a girl.

   "Yo bro, sorry can't stay for long, Baby got drunk and is grumpy. I gotta take her home," the girl said with another on her back.

   "Good luck, don't kill her Baby," J-Hope told the drunk girl and she flipped him off.

   "Come back next time," J-Hope told us waving us off.

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