Chapter 11. Terror in the castle

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(This pic doesn't belong to me, again!!! ALSO, IMPORT!!! Start music at mark: ^w^)

Gently, she kicked the horse's sides, making her turn and gallop into the green swirls towards the Fright Knight's castle.
As they rode up to the castle, Paulina and Star hugged their boyfriends, scared.
Pulling on the reins, Sophie made the carriage stop.
"Here we are. Who wants to check it out first with me?" She asked, softly smiling.
Only Team Phantom volunteered, but Dani was told to stay with the others and make sure no one was hurt, and that they would signal out of a window if the castle was safe.
The group consisting of Danny, Sam, Valerie, Tucker, Sophie, Dan, and Jazz pushed open the giant double doors, which opened with a terrifying screech, then close with a thud behind them.
"Fright Knight's Castle, here we come!" Danny whispered.
"I know you've been here before, Danny." Sophie whispered gently, placing a hand on his shoulder briefly.
"I can read thoughts, other than the usual ghost powers."
"That explains it."
"Wait a second... You're the ghost girl that made Skulker go away unharmed!"
"Yes, I am, Valerie. But I mean no harm."
"Alright... I'll trust you... For now."
"Thanks a bunch!" Sophie grinned.
After a bit of wandering around, Sophie giggled for no apparent reason.
"What're you laughing about, sweetcheeks?"
"Oh, just thinking about how fun it'd be to see the whole school peeing their pants from fright today."
"And how do you plan on doing that?" Dan grinned at her.
"Well, we see if Fright Knight is here or at Phantom's Keep, then I use my powers and transform this place into a 'haunted house' and transform you into monsters. Since today's Halloween, we're going to sing a scarier version of 'This is Halloween' and scare the life out of them!" Sophie rambled, grinning.
"Seems like a plan!" Dan, Danny, and Tucker chorused, grinning back at the blonde girl.
"Fright Knight? Are you here?" Sophie called.
Her voice echoed around for a minute or so, then died down. No response.
"He's not here. So, let's get to work!" Danny smiled.
Sophie transformed into her ghost form, letting the dark purple rings wash over her figure.
Next, she placed a finger near her lips to silence the group and closed her eyes. As she gained more concentration, she started to float and a dark aura surrounded her.
Suddenly her head shot up with open eyes and the energy field exploded, washing over the whole castle on the inside and the other teens, creating an illusion to the blind eye.
As the dark aura dissipated, Sophie floated to the floor gently and collapsed to the ground, exhausted.
"I'm not used to using this much power..." She whispered.
Dan and Jazz walked over to her and Dan picked her up from the ground, his cheeks flushing.
"Get her to another room, while Danny signals everyone that the castle is safe." She instructed.
Nodding, Dan did what he was asked.
Meanwhile, Danny used his ice powers to make a magnifying glass and lit an ectoblast behind it, magnifying the light.
Dani saw this and pointed towards the green light.
"Guys, look! It's the signal!" She yelled happily but then noticed a pattern in the blinking of the light.
"Morse code..." She whispered.
"Everything... is... an illusion... Don't... be... scared...?" she mouthed the words.

"Let's go inside!" She ran towards the double doors and pushed them open slowly, making them screech again and close behind the last ones with a resonating bang.
Sophie, who already got her strength back, made the music boost from everywhere.
Everyone jumped at the scary sounds, and Paulina shrieked as a spider descended in front of her face.
As Tucker, disguised a mummy, started to sing, Paulina grasped Dash's arm too tight for his liking, but he said nothing.
"I am the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red!" Valerie sang, popping out near Dash, disguised as a werewolf.
"I am the one hiding under your stairs, fingers like snakes and spiders in my hair!" Sam appeared near Paulina as a spider, making her shriek.
As they kept singing, they kept popping up everywhere, scaring everyone.
"I am the clown with the tear-away face, here in a flash and gone without a trace!" Danny appeared, dressed as a killer clown, making Star scream.
"I am the who when you call 'who's there?'" Dan drawled, whisping away in a swish of his vampire cape.
"I am the wind blowing through your hair!" Jazz sang.
"I am the shadow on the moon at night, filling your dreams to the brim with fright!" Sophie's voice rang out with a demonic undertone to it.
The team kept singing and popping out at the least expected moments until the song reached its last words when they all got out in the open and surrounded their schoolmates. Sophie appeared as a big dark shadow behind Dan and Jazz, the only thing visible her glowing blue eyes.
"Wheeee!" Everyone shrieked like a banshee as the song reached its last note, and Valerie howled. Sophie let out a maniacal cackle at the end, making everyone shiver.
"Happy Halloween!" They grinned as Sophie removed the illusion.
Paulina, Star, Maddie, and Dash fainted.
Shadow burst out laughing, holding onto Sam's shoulder to keep upright.
"Where is Sophie?" Lily asked, still shivering in fright.
"Oh, she's somewhere around the castle." Dan quickly said, slightly elbowing Shadow.
"Well, my job is done here! I gotta go, but if you need my help, you know what to do!" Shadow said, turning invisible and running silently into another room. Detransforming, she calmly walked back into the room.
"Oh hey, guys!" She waved with a small smile on her face.
"Sophie, weren't you with them when you entered this house?" Lily asked.
Sophie sweatdropped.
"Y-yes, but then I went to explore the other floors until Danny deemed this place safe."
"Really?" Lily narrowed her eyes at the girl.
"Yes, Lily. Really." Sophie smiled.
"Okay." Lily smiled back.
Sophie relaxed instantly, seeing that Lila bought it.
"Now, the kitchen is on this floor, the bedrooms and en-suites are on the next floor." Valerie informed.
Everyone except Maddie, Jazz, Dan, and Sophie went up the giant staircase that led to the next floor.
Sophie headed to the large double doors that she entered before and pushed them open again, to reveal a giant library.
As she slowly inhaled the smell of old books, she closed her amber eyes, reminiscing her aunt's home, which has been her home too, for fifteen years.
"What're you thinking about?" She heard a low rumbly voice behind her.
"Thinking about where I came from..." She answered without opening her eyes or turning around.
"Yeah..." She sighed softly.
"Do you want to know where I came from?" He asked her.
"No. I don't need too, I already know." She giggled.
Dan just grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
'If she can read minds, how is she still not afraid of me? Why does she still talk to me, smile at me, laugh with me? Why doesn't she run away, or treat me like the monster that I am?' Dan thought, his shoulders drooping.
"What's bothering you?" Sophie asked, placing a hand on his bicep.
"You can't read my thoughts?" Dan asked, eyebrows raising.
"No, silly. I can see your memories and access the thoughts of those specific memories, but I can't read your current thoughts." Sophie giggled.
"But seriously, what's on your mind?" Sophie's face turned serious.
"Nothing." Dan turned around, making Sophie's hand fall from his arm.
"If it's got you down, it's something. Please talk about it, it's not good to bottle up your emotions..." Sophie's voice drifted off to a whisper.
"I've always done that... I always bottle up my emotions." Dan muttered, taking a few steps towards the door.
"You shouldn't... It'll eat you from inside..." Sophie whispered.
"I'm empty inside, what's left to consume?" Dan growled, spinning towards her in a flash and towering over her.
"I... I'm sorry, I was just trying to help, Dan." Sophie's voice held hurt, and her eyes filled up with unshed tears.
Sidestepping him, she sped towards the double doors, running through and up the stairs.
"I- crap..." Dan whispered.
"What have you done?" Danny entered the room.
"I just saw Sophie run out of here with her hands on her face, is everything okay between you two?" Sam entered the library and looked at the tallest teen.
"No... I screwed up." Dan grumbled, walking out of the room.
"What's wrong with him?" Tucker joined his best friends and pointed to the doors.
"He said something about screwing up after we asked him if everything was alright between him and Sophie since we saw her run out of here with her hands on her face." Sam furrowed her eyebrows.
Tucker laughed.
"What're you laughing about, Tuck?" Sam shook her head.
"He probably showed her who he was in the past and she got scared." Tucker stifled another laugh.
"Tuck, it's not nice to say that." Danny shook his head at his best friend.
"Alright, alright!" Tucker groaned.
"Now, let's go find Dan and pry the information out of him." Sam smirked.


Hey guys! Here's the chapter! Hope you enjoy it!

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