Chapter 1. Free the old enemy, for there is a new one.

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It was an ordinary day for the Time Master, and he stood in front of the main timeline, watching his pupil fight ghosts, hurry for school and keep up with his personal and love lives.

He then waved his scythe and the image on the mirror changed. A girl with snowy white hair and glowing green eyes appeared on the timeline mirror. It looked like she was training.

The Time Master sighed, and waved his scythe again, so the mirror returned to showing a tall building, with a big neon sign on its roof, reading "FENTON WORKS". A boy with raven black hair and baby blue eyes, wearing a white shirt with light blue jeans and red sneakers was approaching the tall building. Once on the porch he opened the door and got in.

The attention of the Time Master wavered from the mirror to the room he was in, the eyes swiping over every ordinary detail, only to stop onto something that supposedly didn't belong there: a thermos. A green and white pretty indented thermos.

Just as he was about to walk towards it, a wolf-like creature popped into the room.

"Pardonu min, Tempo Majstro, mi havis vizion pri la Granda Unu"1

It rasped out in a language different from the usual one. The Time Master, worry in his eyes, asked the wolf about his arrival.

"Kio estas, Wulf? Kio estas la vizion?"2

"ĉio estis malluma kaj profunda voĉo parolis al mi. Ĝi diris: 'Kiu iam estis fiulo, la heroo jartempo ŝpari. Akceptu la malamiko en la familio, ĉar ĝi helpos al vi. Vakigita la estonteco heroo, la trio helpos.' Kion tio signifas, Tempo Majstro? Cxu estas profetaĵo?"3

The Time Master sighed, and mumbled under his breath.

"He who was once a villain, the hero this time will save. Accept the enemy like he is family, because of use he will be. Free the next hero, who the trio will help."

He hummed in thought, swiping his eyes around the room again, stopping on the dented thermos once more. Wulf followed the Time Master's gaze.

"Tempo Majstro, estas ke la malamiko malliberejo?"4

"Yes Wulf, it is Dan Phantom's prison, but I have the intention to free him soon. I just have to invite a few people."


Margot shuffled to open the door and gasped in shock and content.

"Vladimir! Oh, Sophie will be so happy to see you! Come in, come in, Vladdie!"

"Hello Margot! Can you please call Sophie down? I have to speak to both of you."

"Of course! You make yourself comfortable, I'll go bring her down if she's in her room, otherwise I'm going to call her."

Margot shuffled up the stairs and knocked on a purple door.

"Sophie? Are you in your room?"

"Yes, Aunt Margie, I'm here!" You could hear a muffled response from inside.

"Can you please come down into the living room? Someone there wants to speak to you!"


The door swung open to reveal a tall girl wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a furry black sweatshirt with a pink heart in the middle. She had a golden belt around her waist and golden sneakers. She had mid-back golden brown wavy hair with blonde highlights and was wearing glasses.

She ran down the stairs and stopped abruptly, a wide grin seeping onto her face.

"Dad!" She yelled, running into Vlad Master's arms.

Disasters in the Shadows {A Danny Phantom Fanfiction} Book 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें