good girl || non-au

Start from the beginning

When Lauren replies, "Yes," it's almost urgent.

Camila notices. She laughs. "Then you have to earn it."

Oh, God. This Camila is so unlike the Camila Lauren has come to know.


"Sh," Camila interrupts her, "don't speak. Show me you want it. You've been so..." she trails off.

Lauren's been... what? Stiff? Well, yeah, she doesn't exactly want to make a mistake that results in her having to wait any longer so–


Camila's given her permission. Which means, now– okay. She understands. So all of this is a game. Camila's game.


Lauren bites her lip and looks at Camila, nodding, to silently tell her that, yes, she gets it, and she's going to do as she's told.

"Good girl," Camila repeats.

Lauren initiates their kiss this time, and then she doesn't wait a second to show Camila what she wants. How much she wants it.

Camila's hands are buried in her hair almost instantly.

Lauren grabs Camila's ass and squeezes it. This elicits a moan from the younger girl and Lauren is satisfied because she has just made Camila moan. She realizes again just how turned on she's getting because of th– right. Do more. Show Camila she wants this.

(Because she does. So much.)

Her hands leave Camila's firm behind and settle on her waist for a few moments while both girls are still exchanging sensual kiss after sensual kiss (or maybe it's just one– there's honestly no way to tell if one kiss has ended... or if another one has begun), then, Lauren tentatively lets her right hand wander up Camila's body. Camila doesn't protest, which is definitely a good sign, so Lauren dares more. Her hand cups Camila's breast and–

Okay. Moaning Camila is her new favorite Camila.

Lauren kisses the other girl harder to make her understand just how much she loves when she moans and since Camila is smart, Lauren is sure she's figured it out.

When Lauren's other hand joins her right one and cups Camila's right breast, Camila bites her lip and she swears she feels her fingernails on her scalp and–

Well, let's just say turned on Camila is her new favorite Camila. Because at this rate, Lauren's going to have a new favorite Camila in, like, two seconds and–

Yeah, let's keep it general for now.

Lauren isn't sure if she's allowed to take Camila's bra off, doesn't know if it's against the rules, so she leaves her hands exactly where they are an focuses on kissing Camila, hoping that the girl will give her some sort of sign.

She's not disappointed when Camila turns the both of them around and pushes her towards the bed.

Lauren gasps when she lands on it. Camila doesn't follow, so she's just lying there, not knowing what to do. Her breathing is ragged, her lips are aching for another kiss.

"Get on your knees and face the headboard," instructs Camila. She's standing in front of the bed, looking down at Lauren. With her messy hair and her almost black eyes and this expression she's wearing on her face she honestly kind of scares L–

"I said get on your knees, Lauren." This time, Camila almost growls, so Lauren does exactly as she's been told. She kneels at the other end of the bed, and puts her hands down on the sheets as well to support her weight. Then, she looks back at Camila over her shoulder, waiting for further... instructions. When she sees Camila raise an eyebrow at her action, she looks away again, embarrassed.

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