Still. Gay love? Was that even right or ok? What would people say? She wondered how she would have to fight for and defend them but now it seemed they had set themselves up to be their own defence. It was beautifully done too.

"Whose idea was it to talk about Phun and have this secret love thing going around?"

"Mom. Think about it." Noh made a face.


"Give the beautiful lady a prize. He said we needed a hook. Something to grab everyone's attention. He talked to whoever and they brought the idea to me. I was so pissed at first. Then he told me why in private and I realized that my best friend was a secret genius. I hate that guy. Anyway, I couldn't call Phun so I just ended up leaving his name out of the whole thing."

"And the whole thing exploded."

"Yes. I never doubted I would be with him and after I got over my first venture into the wild unknown of college life and chicks, I was absolutely sure. I still like girls. I still think they are hot. I just think Phun is the greatest thing on this earth."

"I once called you and got Ohm. We chatted and he asked me how your soul mate was doing. I took it as a joke that time but he's right. You are perfect for each other. You find a balance and you communicate which is one of the things a relationship truly needs."

"It wasn't always like that. I used to have doubts and I used to overthink a lot which made me hesitate. When I felt more comfortable with us, Phun still had insecurities. Us hiding was another issue that chafed at us but you put an end to that quickly enough."

She laughed and the door opened. Mr. Phumipat walked in and grinned when he saw Noh.

"There's the celebrity. How are you Noh?" They did the handshake, man hug thing then he sat with them.

"So how long are you here for?"

"The entire holiday. Phun and I planned it that way a long time ago."

"Oh. I see. Where is Phun?"

"He's at my house. I heard something about a son swap."

"Noh's spending the night here while Phun will be at his house."

"How does your father feel about this?"

"Mom wanted Phun so she get's Phun and if he has an issue, then he can head to the pub and when he get's back he can make up the bed in the guest room. That's mom's way. So how have you been Dad? I was so mad when I had to go on that gig and missed your visit."

"Ah yes. The seminar. I did get to speak to some of your professors so that wasn't bad at all."

"They told me. Some were very impressed but Badt has an issue with your party."

"Ah yes. He was the only hold out. I wasn't asking for your grades. I was simply asking how you were getting along. He was a bit difficult."

"A bit? He's the only music teacher who gives me B's and tells me take it as a compliment since I'm not one of his favourites. He did give me one A though and said it was because he was warming up to me. Everyone knows Badt gives C's."

"So how are your grades?" Noh smiled. He always asked this. "Haven't gotten them for the term yet. I'm not sure what the hell I did to be honest."

"Phun did say you were scared shitless about the signing. His words."

"That might be an understatement. I was constipated until I got home and let's not talk about the heartburn. Please."

The Phumipat's laughed gaily. Noh was always brutally honest like this. It was the thing they loved most about him even when he was being inappropriate like this.

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now