Lauren looked at his face she was combing his hair. His eyes were shut and he was smiling, lightly. His face had already started to go a more natural colour.

"Finished." She whispered into his ear. He had fallen fast asleep. Lauren stood up, Noah whimpered in his sleep. She wondered why she made him feel like this. She picked him up and placed him on the bed. He was practically skin and bones so he was quite light.

How could he have lost so much weight in three days?!

She laid down beside him and wrapped her arm around his torso and her leg resting on his hip. He sighed and his breathing became slow and regular. Lauren was beginning to feel a bit tired as well, even though it was about midday.


After a few hours, she woke up. This was because the doorbell rang. Lauren needed to wake Noah up; it might be a person.

"Noah." She whispered, in a singsong voice. She slightly shook him.

"Hmm?" He replied.

"You should go answer the door." Lauren suggested.

"Do I have to?" Noah moaned. "I really like this position."

"Yes, you do." She said rolling off of him.

Groaning in displeasure, he went to the door. He put a white, plastic bag on the table. The scent of a Chinese takeaway filled the room. Lauren grinned and kneeled down at the table. Noah handed her a metal box with a white lid. He pulled out another and put it in front of himself. He passed her a fork.

"You can have the chicken noodles. I'll eat the spring rolls." Noah decided. Lauren nodded, muttering a thanks.

"Noah?" Lauren asked.

"Yeah?" Noah replied.

"You know the bit that's between the girls' side and the boys' side, what is it?" She asked.

"The outside world."he replied, simply, whilst biting into a spring roll. "It's outside this stupid facility."

"If you don't like it so much, why don't you leave?" Lauren asked.

"What's the point? I would die from starvation or I would just be found and placed in solitary confinement for a week. Besides, it's alright here, it's pretty decent."he shrugged.

"Do you know what happens to the newborn babies after their mothers give birth to them?" Noah raised an eyebrow. "They get taken away from them. That's why I ran away from getting pregnant." She admitted.

"Why do they get taken?" Noah asked.

"I don't know." Lauren answered, she took a deep breath before coming up with another question. "Is there anything you have to do?"

"We have to get our semen tested all the time. Ugh, this is so embarrassing."

"What's 'semen'?" Lauren questioned.

"Err," he blushed, "it's sperm for women to reproduce with."

"Then why don't they just make the men reproduce with the women naturally? Isn't it- "

"I'd rather not talk about it, Lauren." He said, embarrassed.

"Okay, I'm sorry..." Lauren said, trailing off. "I'm going to have to leave in the morning, by the way."

"What? Why?" He asked, worriedly.

"Remember how I said that I was going to stay here for a week. Well, it's my last day today." She explained.

"Alright, that's fine." He sounded upset. She fiddled with her Chardonnay hair.

"You know that your life doesn't revolve around me, Noah." She told him, quietly.

"But it does. I don't know what's wrong with me but I need you in my life."

"That's not really going to work though, is it? I'm a girl and you're a boy... it just won't work."

"THEN MAKE IT BLOODY WORK!" Noah shouted, hotly. He raked his fingers though his hair. "What the hell? I'm sorry. " He let out a shaky breath and relaxed, slightly.

"I-I'll try to see you as many times as I can, Noah." Lauren said. "Here's to our last night together." Noah squeezed her hand.

"Our night."


I don't know about this chapter.

I feel Noah's becoming a little too obsessive. I'll probably change that though.

Oh well.



Divided We Stand, United We FallOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz