Another Kind of Reunion

Start from the beginning

"I get it Noh. Your dreams are coming true and you're scared that you might wake up and this never happened but believe me when I tell you it is happening and I am so happy for you, I can't even describe how happy I am."

Now it was Noh who buried his face in Phun's chest. Phun hugged him close and softly kissed the top of Noh's head. They stayed like that until the door opened and Per walked in with Ohm. They smelled like club and Noh just looked at Ohm from Phun's arms.

"I was good. We didn't drink and I stopped Per from humping every skirt that walked by. I just needed a distraction and Mick knew where I was."

"Mick always knows where you are. He practically has low jack on your phone."

"True. But I have on his too so that's ok. Did you eat? I'm hungry."

"Yeah I did."

"Shit. I was hoping you hadn't. I think I have snacks in my room to tide me over so later lovers and the walls are thin here so don't moan too loudly."

"I have earplugs. Here. Use them wisely." Phun said as he tossed them. He had been waiting for this chance. Ohm scowled at him and grabbed them out of the air before he stalked off to his room in a huff that he didn't get the final word. Per just shook his head as he stifled a grin and followed him into the room so he could crash on the sofa bed Ohm had there in case one of the members slept over. Noh had one too and there was another in the living room.

"Are we going to be moaning?" Noh asked with a raised brow.

"Only if you're up to it." Phun smiled gamely.

Noh laughed and hauled Phun off to bed.


Two days after Phun's arrival, the signing happened. Noh had managed to sleep that night simply because Phun had exhausted him as much as possible. They had gone out to an arcade, to a mall, and to a movie, then had enough sex to tire a bull before crashing for the night.

Everyone who needed to speak spoke including Noh. He didn't remember half of what he said but it must have made sense because Phun gave him a discrete thumbs up from his seat in the media area. Once all the talking was finished, the pens came out and every person who needed to sign did.

Pictures were then taken and Noh hoped he didn't look as lost and scared as he felt. Another discrete thumbs-up from Phun made him relax. After that, everything didn't seem so overwhelming. He was expected to take questions after so he checked the time. He had an hour roughly so he took his seat and pulled the first question.

"Noh, we are curious to know how your lover feels about this."

"Um, considering he's always in the know, I would think he was happy. Like seriously, can you ask me a more challenging question? I have to catch a plane in a couple of hours to go see my mom. Don't waste my time and yours."

Many laughed. Noh was always like this.

"Are we going to meet your lover? I was leading up to that question."

"Um not right now. He's got school and shit just like me. You guys can be hell on that kind of schedule," He teased with a smile. "We talked about it and agreed maybe in a couple of years. Maybe. It just depends."

"What are you current plans?"

"To enjoy my last couple of months as a college student. I'm going to spend winter break with my Mom. This isn't live thank God cause she doesn't know I'm coming. You guys know how to keep a secret right?" Noh had made it a thing to joke with these people. He saw them as a necessary evil so why not have some fun?

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