Chapter Sixteen

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Sorry guys, just a filler chapter... And the story is up for adoption.

"Thanks for having us over again Sally." The woman waved it off as she set down her empty cookie tray and other dinner plates in the sink. "Oh it was no problem. It is always a pleasure to have Percy's friends over. Plus, you were barely in the house anyway." Percy's mom turned around with her eyebrows raised and a dangerous glint in her eye. "I trust you were all appropriately behaved while at this private swimming spot?" Percy nodded stoically, while Lewis blushed and the girls giggled. A small pout appeared on Percy's face when he realized he didn't get the joke. "What's so funny?" Crossing his arms like a petulant child and turning to look at the girls, who were all red faced, it was obvious that Percy didn't know what his mom was implying. Bypassing the oblivious sea prince, the odd group paled at the look Sally was shooting them, as if daring them to sully her little boy with such dirty thoughts. "N-nothing Percy, we were just laughing at the possibility of us h-hurting someone else's feelings in such a deserted place. No one really ever goes out to explore." Percy raised his eyebrow and hummed, unconvinced, but the girls didn't say anything else, just smiled, or, in Cleo's case, laughed nervously. It was almost as if a switch had been flipped in Sally as she was back to being the best mom, host, and cook ever. "It's okay Percy, let's leave the girls to their secrets. Who knows what kind of things they could be hiding?" Percy groaned and covered his face with his hands as Bella, Emma, and Cleo laughed nervously. Sally gave one of Percy's hands a kiss and waved over her shoulder as she went to her and Paul's room, deciding to retire for the evening. Cleo, Rikki, Emma, Bella, and Lewis all looked after Sally with one thought in their mind. 'Remind me to never get on her bad side.'
Taking his hands off his face, Percy chuckled quietly and walked back into the living room, sinking down on his new favorite spot in the room. "Sorry about that guys, my mom can be a bit weird sometimes." Rikki scoffed as Emma nervously laughed. "Yeah, it's okay. She just kind of startled us is all." A few moments of silence passed as they all sat down and got comfortable. "So... how are you all enjoying school?" Percy groaned as Rikki winced. "Lay off Lewis, I'm not at a desk right now, so I'd rather forget about it." Percy snickered at Rikki's comment, but didn't say anything. "How many days do we even have left?" Emma sat up straight with a small smile on her face. "We have one hundred and seventy-nine days left. Only a hop, skip, long lunge, and a jump away from next summer." Percy groaned and smashed his face into the cushions beside him, eliciting giggles from Bella, Emma, and Cleo. "C'mon Percy, school's not that bad." The mer-prince said nothing as he slowly turned his head out of the mattress to glare at the offending blonde. Lewis put his hands up in surrender and leaned back, causing Percy to chuckle and relinquish his glare. Silence reigned for a few minutes as Rikki and Percy made faces at each other and the others watched in amusement. It turned into a laughing challenge, at which Percy won as Rikki dissolved into giggles, covering her mouth with her hands.
"Does anyone have plans for the weekend?" Cleo and Bella both turned to Louis, and he grew a bit flustered. "I mean, w-we need to figure out a plan for the full moon."
Percy sat up immediately with a 'eureka' look on his face. "We can just stay here. It's close to the ocean and my parents would be totally cool with it." He smashed his left fist into his right palm, and smiled at everyone as if saying, 'look, I'm a genius, aren't I?'. Rikki giggled again, and the rest of the girls smiled fondly.
After everyone thought of what they were going to tell their parents, it was unanimously decided that they would all be staying over at Percy's for the upcoming full moon on Saturday. Everyone thought it truly was one of Percy's best ideas, as they'd have extra help from Percy's parents, so the group of mermaids- and a merman- wouldn't have to constantly worry about keeping inconspicuous and undetected. What could possibly go wrong?

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