"We currently use the University team to manage our money and sales and they haven't called us to complain as yet." Dye countered. "Usually drama raises sales. But I'm curious. What are they saying?"

"Well at the moment, Phun is in the lead as Noh's boyfriend with Film not far behind. It seems the Paparazzi have already posted pictures of your friends coming in and out of your current abode." She paused and took in the moment when they all turned and started teasing Phun who took it all in stride.

"Who else is on the list?" Noh asked after he laughed quietly.

"Per, Ohm, Min, P'Lyle from that drama you did the music for and P'Mez."

"Mez? Fuck no. Scratch that one off. Not even for a billion USD. I have way better taste and I don't care if you post this and reveal it to the world. I would rather date Phun. At least he is much better looking and I know him. Mez is an asshole."

"Well there are claims of sexual tension between the two of you back stage." She added with a smile, tickled by his reaction.

"Oh God. I feel like I want to puke. No. Just no, ok. That's a vile image I don't need in my head. Why would they even consider_"

Noh's phone rang and the look on his face when he saw the number told her it was his lover. He stood and took it immediately. "Pardon me. I need to take this." They all watched him walk away.

"I'm sorry but time is up Miss Dite. We need to join the party goers. We like to mingle before we get on stage. Please be aware that you stated your interview was for personal use only. If any copies of this is found online and any parts of this is taken out of context, we will take the necessary action Thank you and have a good day."

And just like that she was dismissed. She didn't seem to take it too personally though. She waved and walked away as sweetly as she came in. She even kept up the persona until she got to the car. Then she got in and burst into frustrated tears.

"What happened? Did he disrespect you?" Her best friend Mai asked immediately.

"No! He really is fucking gay!" She burst out and smacked the dashboard.

"He has his status as bi thought." One of the other girls corrected.

"But he wasn't interested in me at all." She fretted.

"I told you not to change your persona for him. He's a very intuitive guy." Mai stated as she put the car in drive and pulled out of her spot.

She bit her lip and shook her head. "I still think he and Phun are together. He had this look in his eyes when he teased Phun after I brought up the online polls."

"What kind of look?" They exchanged looks. Her latest obsession was making them so very frustrated.

"The kind of look that says 'she doesn't know all the ways I can fuck you blind.' Believe me I know those looks. I am an expert on those looks. I just need one person to confirm it and I can't. Phun was walking funny." She added as an afterthought. They all shared another look over her head.

"Have you ever though they keep each other's secrets? Noh said that besides Ohm, there is one other person he confesses to that is not his lover. That person holds all his secrets and they work hard to help each other out. It was in an interview with MusicVisions Magazine. I think I still have the copy."

"That kind of makes sense. They did look like they had the one up on me. It really pissed me off." She finally admitted after thinking about it.

"I heard Phun's lover was here." One of the other girls remembered suddenly. "Fah told me yesterday. She said he was covered in hickeys and Noh came to meet him that day. She said that they were both disrespectful to her."

Love Contract - A Love Sick fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now