Jungkook x Reader

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I'll drop off your sweater and friendship bracelet at the bench near the swing.
Give them to someone who will stay with you forever.


You sighed, walking slowly towards the park. The bench you were talking about was right in front of you. This was actually the exact same place where you took your Polaroid. Jungkook probably didn't want that back.

As you promised, you put the yellow donut sweater, and friendship bracelet on the bench. You looked at it. They were probably the things that mattered in your horrible life, but they had to be let go. If they were kept with you, it's bring you more pain. You definitely didn't want that.

"Why am I horrible?" The familiar soothing voice asked. You sighed and turned around. You wanted to make this as quick and quiet as possible. You didn't want to cry in front of Jungkook.

"You don't and won't understand." You said simply, playing with the straps of your bag.

You could feel Jungkook's powerful gaze ripping a hole through your body, penetrating you like a Lazer.

"Now... If you'll excuse me, I'll have to go." You said, bowing your head and walking as fast as you could towards the bus stop across the road.

"WHY AM I SO HORRIBLE?!" Jungkook yelled, gripping your wrist tightly. You flinched at his harsh tone. Tears prickled your (E/C) orbs as you stared at the ground.

"Let go of me Jungkook." You said. Your meaning was not lost in him. He knew what you meant by let go.

"No. Not until you tell me why I was such a horrible friend." He demanded. You clenched your fist and looked up at him.

Tears were steadily flowing down your cheeks, some hitting the hard concrete pathway.

"It's because you never noticed me." You said. Jungkook's gaze was still on you, his confused, fetus like mind, not probably getting what the fuck you were trying to convey to him.

"I have loved you Jungkook. More than a god damn friend. What do you do though? Nothing. Absolutely nothing." You seethed, venom shooting through your words.

That one sentence tore his heart into a million pieces. He just had to do nothing did he? He did feel the same no doubt, but he was too much of a coward, and now look what he's done.

His friend, love, and world was slowly crumbling down right in front of his eyes. His grip on you tightened, and so did his chest.

"Stay." He said. His voice was stern and still, his beautiful brown eyes looking into yours. You took a deep breath, wiping your eyes with your shoulders.

"I don't want to." You said, your voice cracking at the end as more tears streamed down your cheeks. You tugged your hand out of Jungkook's grasp, and turned around, heading towards the bus station.

"(Y/N) please." He begged, his voice also cracking. Tears blurred his vision, making your heart shatter.

"Please. Don't leave me." He said, grabbing your wrist once more. You shook your head, making Jungkook's tears glide swiftly down his cheeks.

"(Y/N) please. You can't leave me. Your my best friend." He said feeling his knees tremble. You let out a tiny sob. Seeing him like this broke you completely, but you didn't want to stay.

"I'm sorry but-"

"Please!" He begged, falling on both his knees, still holding onto your wrist tightly.

"Please (Y/N)! I-I love you too. I always have. I was just such a coward to show it. You mean the world to me (Y/N). You're like my earth. How can I live, if I have nowhere to live on?" He sobbed.

This was the first time you've seen him sob. He was never this vulnerable and fragile around you. He was always that strong bunny, but everyone has a breaking point, and this was his.

"Jungkook. Do you really mean that?" You asked. Jungkook let go of your first and held your hand.

The warmth of his palm and fingers enveloped around your tiny hand, fitting together like a puzzle piece.

"I mean every word of it. I-I promise. Please just stay with me." He begged. You looked at him, trying to see any signs of doubt of regret, but none was evident.

"T-This isn't like you. You aren't usually romantic. Y-You don't say anything cheesy, and you definitely don't cry around me. You aren't this fragile either. Are you sure you want me to stay? I mean, what about my horrible family?" You asked. Jungkook crawled closer to you.

"I am positive that I want you to stay. Leave your family if you want. I'll take care of you." He said. You chuckled at that. If he couldn't take care of himself, what more take care of both of you?

"I just need to have a place to stay Jungkook, you don't have to take care of me." You offered. He shook his head, finally getting up from the ground.

"You can stay with me. My parents won't mind. They'll understand you." He said, your hand still held in his. You hit your lip nervously, but finally agreed. 

"I think you'll be needing this back." He said, getting the friendship bracelet from the bench. You nodded, and smiled at Jungkook.

"Thanks." You said, a bunny smile forming across his face.

"Any time... Jagiya."

A/N- So as usual, I did not review this, since I wrote this chapter at like 3 o'clock in the fucking morning, due to the fact that my lazy ass couldn't sleep, so I'm sorry for any errors. I hope that this wasn't so triggering... It wasn't for me so yeah. That's it. Please request my brain is running out of ideas. Thank you!!!

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