Chapter 3

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Y/N's Pov

For the day, Spiky had shown me around the school.

At recess, I was introduced to Spiky's friends.

They were nice people, other than a few remarks from Ceylan.

Soon it was the end of the day.

I was walking out of the school when I heard someone call my name.

"Hey Y/n. You wanna hang out with the gang a and I?" Spiky asked.

"Yeah." I said.

This also reminded me that I didn't know his name.

I texted Aunt Nathalie that I was going the be hanging out with friends.

At least I hoped they were friends.

"There they are." Spiky said, grabbing my arm and basically dragging me towards his group of friends.

"Look, it's Toxsa and his girlfriend." Ceylan said.

So that's what his name was, Toxsa.

"That is not true. She is not my girlfriend." Toxsa said.

I was confused by the meaning of girlfriend.

I didn't know what girlfriend meant.

I might have self-taught myself a bunch but this was something I didn't know.

But I didn't pay much attention to it.

"Well, anyways, we're going to the mall." Beni said.

"Yeah, we somehow agreed to go to the mall today." Ceylan said.

"Why did we agree to this again?" Toxsa asked.

"We did. Now let's go." Beni said.

I just stared at them for a second before walking with them towards the mall.

Beni and I talked as we walked.

I didn't talk much though and kind of focused on hiding my freakishness.

We got to the mall and we entered it.

I just realised that I actually never have seen this place.

Then again, I've never actually been to a mall.

"I'm going to be in the game store." Toxsa said, walking off.

"I'm going to where there's food." Ceylan said.

"I'm going with Ceylan." Guren said.

"I'm just leaving." Gen said.

Chooki was already gone.

"That leaves you and me." Beni said.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"Well, I just wanna explore really." Beni said.

Beni and I went around exploring.

Beni tried getting me to try stuff on but I would reject it.

I would try to hide my freakishness more when Beni would try to get me try stuff on.

Then Beni dragged me into a bathroom.

"What's going on?" Beni asked.

"What do you mean?" I questioned.

"Obviously I haven't known you for very long but it's obvious something is up. The others might not have seen it but I can. So tell me what's up." Beni said.

The Cyborg That Can Love - Toxsa X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang