Chapter 6

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Y/N's Pov

I was running to school, trying not to trip, as for once in my life I was late to something.

"How can I be late." I said to myself.

I then crashed into someone.

I got up and apologised.

"I'm sorry." I apologised.

The person didn't reply and so that made me worried.

I looked at my watch, and saw I had to leave.

"Sorry again." I said as I ran away to school.

The person seemed really shifty so it made me want to get away from them just as much.

I got to school about five seconds to spare before the first bell rang.

"Hey Y/N. What are you doing on the floor?" Toxsa asked.

"Oh, just having a great time hugging the floor. How about you?" I asked.

"Hanging out." Toxsa said and helped me up.

We walked to class together.

"So, uh, yesterday. How bad was it?" Toxsa asked.

I looked at him dumbfoundedly.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"When I had coffee." Toxsa clarified.

"Oh. Yeah, you weren't that bad until after school. You fell asleep more during class and you were a hyperactive child after school." I said.

"Well. That doesn't seem so bad." Toxsa said.

"Oh, and you almost got ran over." I said.

"What!" Toxsa exclaimed.

"Don't worry, I saved you." I said.

"Thank you." Toxsa said.

"Nah, don't worry about it." I said.

"But, did you get hurt?" Toxsa asked.

"Nah, I'm fine. Nothing broken." I said.

"Oh thank goodness." Toxsa said.

"Anyways, I'll see you." I said, walking into my class.

I sat in my seat and got out my necessary essentials.

I saw Toxsa walk away from the classroom.

Soon enough recess had arrived.

I went to the others, who wanted to play soccer so I decided to sit.

"Hey." Someone said.

I looked to the side and saw Toxsa.

"Hey." I said.

"Whatcha doing?" Toxsa asked.

"Not much. I don't really have anything to do. I was going to do some homework." I said.

"Nope." Toxsa said.

"Nope?" I questioned.

"We are going to do something fun." Toxsa said, grabbing my hand.

He got me up and started running.

We got the library and we sat at a computer.

He loaded it, logging onto it and he pulled up a game of some sort.

"Are you sure we should be doing this?" I asked.

"Don't worry. I'm like the tech wiz at this school so I don't get in trouble." Toxsa said.

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