Chapter 8

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Y/N's Pov

"Beni. I'm telling you. I saw her." I said.

"You're probably just tired and were thinking things," Beni said.

Beni and I were on the rooftop, talking with each other.

I sighed.

"Beni. I've lived with them for my entire life before they were put into jail. I know what they're capable of." I said, looking up at the sky.

"Yeah. But they're in jail. They can't do anything to you." Beni said.

"I give up trying to explain this to you and let you believe me." I said as I finished eating my food.

I got up and walked away

"Hey, where are you going?" Beni asked.

"Toxsa and I are hanging out in the library." I said, walking down the stairs.

I made it to the library and saw Toxsa already sitting at a computer.

I waved at him as I walked up to him.

"Hey." I said, sitting on the chair next to him.

"Ready?" Toxsa asked.

"Yeah." I said.

Toxsa loaded up the game and we both got ready.

Once the game was loaded we were playing.

I smiled at that. Toxsa would explain things I didn't understand or know and it made me happy.

Toxsa and I played for the entire lunch and tried to be as quiet as possible.

I had a lot of fun but every time I was near Toxsa, I felt my heart beat faster than normal.

I was confused.

Why did it do that? Isn't my heart only supposed to beat faster due to intense exercise?

I didn't know what was happening. But I didn't question it.

After lunch, I was in class, thinking.

I was trying to figure out what my symptoms meant and if it meant I was sick

I decided to dismiss it for the time being and probably ask Auntie about it.

After school, I was walking home still with the thoughts of my symptoms on the back of my mind.

Before I knew it, i heard footsteps dangerously close to mine.

I kept at a calm pace but looked around for any openings.

I turned into an alleyway and got to a dead end.

I turned around and faced the pursuiter.

I felt my blood run cold.

"Well. How does it feel. To have a taste of freedom. Too bad. It doesn't last long." There stood my mother.

Or that's what i would call her if i cared for her.

She was holding a knife in her hand and she swung at me.

I ducked and looked up.

I saw a malicious smile spread across her face and she kicked me in the stomach.

I flew back and hit the wall.

I coughed a little but got up as to not be surprised with something else.

Before I could react, she brought her hands up in a fist and slammed it right on my head.

I felt some sort of shock spread through my head but I took a second to kick her.

The Cyborg That Can Love - Toxsa X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now