“I have had enough with Pyrus! We have been too lenient with them for years! We have been avoiding war for too long. We should have at it now!”

            That incorrigible man; He was always too quick to jump at a chance of a bloody battle between Pyrus.

            “Settle down Sir Patrick, we should first think of a compromise before jumping to war.” I finally told him.

            “What would you know boy? You should not even be here! You do not even know anything about the matters between us and Pyrus. If I were I in charge-”

I banged my hands on the table.

            “Hold your tongue Patrick! The fact is- you are not in charge of the kingdom. You know as damn well as everyone in this room that I rule the kingdom until my father gets better! I am the king at the moment and since I am king, I can very well ban you from these meetings!”

Patrick finally shut up and I looked at all the other lords.

            “I will try to think of a compromise with King Pyrdian. This assembly is dismissed for today.”

I got up and walked out of the Council room. On my way out I heard some lords gossiping about me.

            Ever since my father, King Jonathan, fell ill two weeks ago, I have been in charge of running the kingdom. Since I am only seventeen, some lords (like Sir Patrick) thought that I would not be able to handle the responsibilities and have been trying to take control themselves. What they did not know was that despite my “playful attitude” my father and my tutor, Hector, have been training me how to rule since I was ten.

            I left for the training grounds where my best friend was practicing his swordsmanship skills. Sure enough, he was practicing on a training dummy. He was pretty skilled in battle techniques and strategies, but he always told himself that he was not good enough.

            “Hey Mitch!”

He turned around and with his good hand, greeted me with our good natured hand clasp.

            “Hey Christopher, the meeting’s over?”

            “After a boring hour, you ready to go hunting?”

Mitch nodded, put away his sword and grabbed our hunting gear. We mounted our horses and were on our ways to the woods.

            “How was she?” He asked with a smirk. “Or were you too drunk to remember?”

            “Let me just tell you that I was her first.”

            Before he commented on what I said, we spotted a deer and followed it through the woods until Mitch stopped his horse from going any farther.

            “What’s wrong Mitch?”

            “The deer crossed into the border.”    

            “Your point is?”

            “I am not taking any chances of going to the border area. What if we meet some Pyrans?”

            “It is the border; it is not like they can hurt us.”

            “I am not going. If the deer crosses into their territory and we shoot it, who knows what commotion it will cause. They will blame us for hunting on their territory.”

He's my King and I'm his QueenWhere stories live. Discover now