Chapter 10: A foot long

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A/N: Ok,I know you're probably not interested and most likely always skips the authors note but I thought I should ask/tell. My friend reads every chapter and always answers the questions and even does a shout but she said it might be cool if you lot picked a shout. Try and make it relevant to a character so comment the character as well and if I can I will get it into the chapter. Under your credit of course. Thank you.


"Enzo." Tyler growls as he sees us both at the door. Enzo smiles at him as he takes my side. This is a massive stare down right now.

"Zion!" After a few minutes of silence Tyler shouts loudly up the stairs not breaking eye contact with Enzo. Zion strolls to the top of the stairs but his pace soon changes as he sees Enzo. Ok,who the fuck is this guy? I've never seen fear in Zion's eyes nor Tyler's for that matter but as soon as this guy showed up they have a hint of it.

"Lil go find Alex now." Zion's voice was stern and I was about to obey when Enzo shook his head in disapproval.

"How's about the girl stays with me and Tyler here goes and gets Alex yeah?" Enzo gripped my arm and pulls me into his chest. I struggle against him but it was useless.

"Z? Who the fuck does this guy think he is?" I look to him and his hand is resting on his gun,this guy seems to have rep even amongst the Demon Kings. I sent a dagger like glare to Enzo.

"She has got quite a mouth on her hasn't she and those eyes absolutely gorgeous but I wonder if they'd be so pretty when I gouge them out her pretty little skull." Enzo whispers into my hair a lethal tone that paled my face and Zion's to. His grip moved to my hair and he walked into the King household like he owned the place. Enzo's lips skimmed my cheek. Somebody please help.

"Ok, Enzo you've made your point now let her go and nobody gets hurt." Zion tried to take my arm but Enzo pulled me backwards with force.

"No Zion I haven't made my point and I can't till your brother is where is Alex King." Enzo shouts and then turns to me with a sick smirk.

"Well, we'll be able to become more acquainted won't we?" He stroked my face and I moved it to the side, Zion's eye twitched uncontrollably but I knew he couldn't do anything without me dying as a result.

"That won't be necessary." Alex walked towards us and pulled me from Enzo's grip, no fear made Enzo annoyed.

"Thank god!" I yelled and ran straight to Zion's open arms. He gripped me so tight I thought I was losing oxygen.

"What do you want Enzo?" Alex hissed making him squirm.

"An explanation, we had a debt to settle and you just skipped town." He did all this for a fucking explanation. At this moment Drew and Elise walked through holding hands which they quickly dropped when noticing Alex and Z.

"And you think walking in here like you own the place was a good way to get it." Alex eyes spiralled into a while frenzy and Zion stepped backwards taking me with him.

"Listen King-"

"No, Enzo you listen. You have no right to even step on our property never even mind coming in the house. You come here and disrespect my family, threaten my brothers girl and have the nerve to tell me to listen to you. Get the fuck out my house, the deal will be settled on my terms got it?!" Alex has Enzo pinned to the wall his feet off the floor and a vein pulsating in his neck. He drops Enzo to the floor and he stood up trying to compose himself.

"And don't fucking look at her again." Alex pointed at me and without another word Enzo left, leaving his pride with Alex.

"Are we ready for school?" Ebony chimes completely unaware of the situation that has just happened.

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