Chapter 8: He's not gay

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A/N: Ok so the last chapter was pretty intense right? So time to follow on. And remeber don't be a ghost reader comment and vote pretty please. Also I know Drew hasn't really had a big part in the chapters so far and I wanted to build more of a character profile for him so there will be bits in here focused on Drew.


Song: I wouldn't mind

Zion POV

"Get the fuck off my property!" I barked at Mr Warren with my gun clenched tightly.

"Listen little boy you have no right to bark orders at me do you know what I could do to you and your brother?"

"Actually no Samuel, we don't. Elaborate please." Mr King, the saviour climbs out his car and pats Mr Warren, or should I say Samuel, on the back. 

"Welcome home dad." I smile widely rubbing it into Samuel as he grits his teeth. My dad continues into the house and Samuel has one last thing to say.

"Daddy won't be here forever and I'll know where to find you." He threatens, ha if I was scared I'd say it was time to move house, but no. I close the door and walk upstairs.

"Actually, Zion I would like to speak to the girl first." I stop mid way up the stairs as he walks ahead of me. I can't believe he still tells me what to do in my own house. He enters my room where Alex is comforting a crying Lilliana that is sat on the bed.

"You certainly seem well." His opening statement to my girlfriend who is in tears currently. My girlfriend, has a nice ring to it doesn't it.

"Dad." Alex warns standing from the bed. Alex and my father don't get along very well, I dont know why but I am considered as the better 'twin' as my dad puts it. We try to have the least amount if contact with my him so it doesn't cause tension between me and Alex but he was more than happy for Lilli to attend the party instead of himself.

"So Lilliana, I guess as of tonight you are now my son's girlfriend?" He asks, come on give the girl a break she knows her dad doesn't truly love her.

"Yeah." She replies with a little sob. I just want to hug her right now.

"You being here puts us all at risk even yourself and where I do not have a problem with you, I think it's important you know the sides you will have to pick." He continues, Alex and I share looks. A twin like look, but Alex is more lethal.

"I know the sides and I know where I stand, well sit." She corrects herself and I smirk to myself.

"Good. Now I'm not sure if you realise but currently you are not safe here considering your families actions tonight." Wait,where is this going?

"As of tomorrow, you shall be studying at hope grange high school along with the boys and my daughter's Elise and Ebony." My jaw along with Alex and Lilliana's drop, we have to see our sisters. Our family had that awkward gene of twins, two sets one pair of boys and one pair of girls. My mother doesn't realise how lucky she was not having to deal with us.

"I didn't know you have other children, I thought Alex and Zion was your only children." Lilliana hides her smile as she addresses my father.

"Yes I not only have twin boys but also twin girls, so I wish you luck." He smirks,my dad actually smirked. Wow, he's a bad boy. As my father leaves the room he turns to Alex and I.

"You will have your own house as usual but obviously the girls will be joining you too. Oh and boys try and keep Tyler away from them,he has a reputation." With that he left the room and then the house.

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