Chapter 6: I'm your future sex slave

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^Zion's house btw

A/N: Ok, so I haven't really wrote about Zion and his daily gang routine so this chapter is going to be focusing on that. I wasn't going to have Lilliana featured in this chapter alot but my romantic instincts took over. Don't worry though Zion will still be the big bad gang leader he is but we can live with that right?

Zion POV

"Zion." Do not open your eyes man,it's going to be like 7 o clock.

"Z,wake up!" Keep your fucking eyes close.

"Zion!" Fuck my life right now.

"What Lil'? What do you want?" I cover my head with the pillow and groan loudly. I'm not going to fucking school.

"Its 10 o clock." She giggles and rolls over to face me, at least I think she's facing me but I can't be bothered to look.

"So Why are you awake?" I peak from behind the pillow and she is mere inches away from my face with a smile on her features.

"The music woke me up." Anyone else picture that line in a horror movie. Like a little girl is stood at her parents bed just staring at them and when they wake up and ask her why she's awake she's like "the music woke me up, daddy." And the house is fucking silent. I blow my own mind sometimes.

"What music?" I'm now fully sat up and lil gets off the bed and opens my bedroom door. My ears suddenly heard Tyler's fucking goth music from downstairs. That bastard.

"I don't know who's playing it but it woke me up so I shut the door but I couldn't get back to sleep." She dives back onto the bed and lands right on top of me.


"You're a pain in my ass. Now get up,I'm hungry." I grunt and push her off me,she laughs and rolls off the bed onto the floor. My hair is so fucked up in the morning. Lilliana and I walk downstairs to the kitchen and I think she has forgotten she is dressed in my shirt and a thong. Nice ass though.

"Morning sleeping beauty." Tyler laughed flipping an egg. So none of us are showing up for school today. Drew has his head on the counter probably trying to get back to sleep and Alex was on GTA.

"Morning Tyler." Lilliana replies and Alex heads towards the fridge.

"Fuck, ass!" Alex stares at Lilliana's ass and I hit him over the head grabbing a beer. Today is going to be a good day.

"Thank you very much Alex,it's all naturaaal." She giggles, completely forgetting the way Alex treated her last night. Then again everybody does if they know what's best for them. A little tip, treat Alex as if he is a new person each day.

"Hey Z, Jaden called to sort some business out Today." Tyler handed Lilliana a poached egg and she looked at me weird.

"Cool,I'll sort it. Lilliana you can stay here for the day." Everyone looked at me weird,even lil herself.

"Since when do you let girls stay in the house?" Drew stared wide eyed at me and I rolled my eyes. Wow,they are like girls, so dramatic.

"Since I'm the boss and it's my house." I took a drink of my beer and smirked at Lilliana. She shook her head at me and I raised my eyebrow. C'mon girl,I'm letting you stay in my house.

"I wanna come with." She pouts, is she being stupid right now or just wants to die.

"C'mon, I'll be all alone and so will you so why don't we give each other some company plus I wanna see the look on Jaden's face when I turn up with you." At this point she is holding on to my shoulders practically begging me. Her dad is going to bury me 6ft under. He better make it 6'4,I'm tall.

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