chapter 3 : Same old tired lonely place

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Published on: 31st December 2017

"Nothing is more beautiful than the loveliness of the woods before sunrise."

Today's the last day of the year. Like every other year this year has been the best and the worst year.

Good and bad things.... at the same time.

My wisdom teeth are coming in. And it pains:(

I can't have my food. I merely shallow it through the other side:(

In The Morning

"A morning walk is a blessing" I heard those lines once in my life. I should have thought of walking in the garden or nearby but I came here. And I think I'm in great trouble.

So it was something in a cycle. I rewind the whole situation. My cycle was in the middle of the road and it crashed my cycle.

It was my fault! Why was my cycle punished?

At that instance I think what a brave girl and an man's daughter should do. That type of a girl should chase the black widow in a cycle and teach it some road manners.

But am I brave enough?


My inner voice poked!

I put the phone inside my pocket. Pick the cycle up with great difficulty and start peddling it with huge force. It's mid December. And I ride fast shivering and thinking if the Black widow was behind me capturing me piercing the fog.

Wait! I hear something coming behind!

"Hey! Wait! "

Oh my god!

I kept saying to myself,"No no no.... this isn't happening... no way! "

I peddle harder. My right foot slips from the paddle a while or twice. I was about to fall but I'm lucky today I guess. But I'm in danger. Whether it was a man or something...whatever, I am not in the mood of meeting strangers in my real life.

But I don't think bad people get up that early!

But who can say!

I have come this way back before almost seven months. My father and I came here racing on our cycles. My father had his vacations for a single month and he brought me here every morning. While mother and Scar were deep asleep in their beds.

Suddenly, there came the cycle beside mine. It was being ridden at the same pace.

I swallow the morning saliva and hit the peddles hard as possible. I can see through the corner of my eyes, someone staring from the my left.

"Hey, stop! " a boy's voice shouted.

I'm so shocked that I blabber whatever comes out. The cold air hitting my face like icy thorns. The black scarf was no more hiding half of my face. It was lingering around my neck and was probably freely dancing in the air.

Oh why did I remove it?

To take damn selfies!

"What! no way! " my voice sounds like a song from an old record being played in an old gramophone. The reason being chilly weather and the fear too.

I seem to go fast enough. I had never ever rode a cycle this fast. But the other cycle is competing with mine like the ferocious marathon runners.

"Why are you riding it so fast? " he said. It's a 'he'. I know now.
"You may crash and fall off! "

Why is he caring? He's the one causing danger to my life!

Is he being sarcastic! He's a stranger in the foggy day. I can't talk to him!

Or should I welcome an stranger with an open arm?

"Just leave me please. Do not follow please. I have a family. Leave me alone. I have school in an hour" I shout as I ride faster.

"What are you saying? I'm asking you to ride slow. It's foggy, some vehicle is out in the front. You can face an accident." the husky and shrill voice said.

"No,please you are a ghost ! " I say these words but I look left this time. And what I see freezes me for ever .


Hazel eyes looking at me as riding the cycle too. And the moment stops right then. His is similar to mine.

A mask around his nose and mouth. The eyes are dazzling and beautiful. He's staring at me with his lips moving behind his mask. While he has his reddish-brown hairs falling down his forehead and his black cloak is a jacket, which covers his head.

He's shouting"Slow in front.. You. Oh my god "

Now his head is moving to and fro. Once towards the road and the other moment towards me. I can decipher a shocked expression in his eyes that were warning me.

The next second.

In the early days people had the misconception that our earth is flat rather than round. So there was always a possibility of falling off the edge as soon as we reach there.

Well, for a second that wasn't a misconception for me 'cause it was happening to me.

Like falling from a cliff.

I hear a loud noise. And I know the rice plants by the side of the road will be angry on me for disturbing them.

But I'm not afraid anymore 'cause that thing wasn't a ghost after all.

Well, it can be a vampire with beautiful eyes. But why does he need cycle then?

He's a human. My inner voice pointed out.


I'm eating sand by the road. My posture is not a good one I know for sure. My cycle is a feet away from me. My right hand is under my stomach and I can't feel my left leg. And that widow boy has stopped cycling and was running towards me.

"Emergency landing huh! " he's coming to fetch me and he's laughing a little."Come on, I'll give you a hand. You have your school right? "

Am I a begger!


Yes actually.

"Oh god!" I sigh but the next moment I say"i'm alright. "

"What... hell no way! Come on! give me a hand! "

"I can.. ugh.. God.. " I blabber with the pain in my leg. Somehow, it hurts more in cold weathers.

"Okay! By the why were you riding so fast? " he says with a hint of arrogancy in his voice.

"Who are you? Are you the one hitting my cycle? "I state as I try getting up.




Since I'm positive I'll not be sad. I hope they will give me wisdom( I mean my teeth) and make me wise the next year:)

Short chapter. Cause I can't write any long:)

I'm tired:)

Thank you. :)

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