[15] - Jump and Fall

Start from the beginning

"I-," I stuttered, "I can't."

"Please, Elena, trust me." He begged, taking a step back.

"But its cold," I whined.

Next thing I know, he tossed up a familiar sweatshirt. It was the same Adidas sweatshirt he gave me that night I slept at his house.

"Please," he said, softly.

I reluctantly agreed, putting on the sweatshirt.

"How the hell am I gonna get down?" I whisper-shouted.

"...I'll catch you." He said, fear evident in his voice.

And that's when I started to freak out.

"Are you kidding me?!" I whisper-shouted, "are you insane? I'm not jumping to my death!"

"Please, Elena, you have to trust me," he said, rubbing his forehead slightly frustrated.

I stood there for a minute, contemplating what the hell I was doing. And then, because of my stupidness, I decided to jump.

"On 3." I said, louder so he could hear me. I quickly put on some warm uggs.

He looked up, and shot me toothy smile, his bright white teeth shining in the darkness.

"1," I said, taking a deep breath and throwing the baseball bat I still had in my hand. I switched off the light.

"2," I said, climbing out of the window, closing my eyes,

"3," I said doing a quick prayer.


I jumped.

And it was terrifying.

The wind hit my face, giving me a cold shiver. I shut my eyes tightly as I waited for him to catch me.

And then I felt it.

A pair of strong, muscular arms cradle me tightly, as I lay there, bridal style, with my eyes sealed shut, wishing this was all such a dream.

"I told you." He said, just before I opened my eyes.

I huffed and motioned for him to put me down, and he hesitantly did. As I landed down, the wind breeze suddenly hit me, taking me into a fit of shivers.

"It's freezing!" I whined, crossing my arms to keep myself warm.

Then, he handed me a pair of leggings and a beanie.

"Put these on." He said, as he turned around.

I looked at the clothing and thought it was better than spandex shorts and so I put them on. I felt much warmer.

"Thanks," I whispered, with a half smile.

I can't believe I'm doing this, I can't believe I just jumped out of a window for this damn boy. I have no control over myself I swear.

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