Origins/Missing Him

Start from the beginning

Connor gives a whistle of amazement. "Extraordinary, so this is Red Leader's little monster. All the other leaders thought he lost you after you broke out."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tomi could feel Tom confusion, but not as confused as him. "I broke out from Tordy?"

"It seems he doesn't remember." The female twin comments.

The male twin nods, "We should help jog his memory a bit."

The Blue Leader lets them as they pull up a video on the tv behind them. They type in a few access codes and were able to get the captured footages.

-Video Footage-

"Patryk," Tord says looking at the brunet holding the camera.

"Yes, Red Leader?"

The Norwegian man points at the camera with his right hand while his left one holds a clipboard. "What's with the camera?"

"Oh, the scientist thought we should document your man-made monster. They wanted to see how it reacts to human contact." Patryk explains from behind the video camera.

Tord shakes his head, "Fine, but don't get too close or else he might break the camera when you least expect it."

They both approach a door with Paul waiting on standby.


Paul salutes, not paying any mind to the camera Patrick is holding. "The monster has been quiet for awhile Red Leader. Some of the scientists were thinking it escaped."

"He hasn't, come on I'll show you."

The three of them enter the door to find a large metal cage. Inside the cage held a small, dark purple monster. All curled up, sleeping silently beside the sound of it's, soft purrs.

"See, he's just sleeping." Tord walks to the cage and puts his hand on the scanner. It turns green and gives Tord access inside the cage. He turns his head slightly to look back at the two. "Stay outside the cage. You can watch from the outside." Tord walks inside while the two soldiers come closer to the cage.

Tord walks up to the sleeping monster and picks him up to cradle it in his arms. He walks over to the bars of the cage and shows the sleeping monster to the camera.

"He seems pretty harmless to me," Patryk comments with a gentle tone so he doesn't wake the small creature.

Tord hums as he brings his hand to slowly shift the monster to show its face. It has one eyelid while it's snout is small, two cute horns poking out on each side of his forehead.

"Looks pretty docile to me." Paul puts his hands through the cage bars to pet the small creature. At the touch, the little monster's eyelid opens in surprise. It takes a quick defensive action by biting Paul's hand.

"And there's the quick defense reflex." Tord pets the little monster's head to soothe him into letting Paul's hand go.

"Pau are you okay?!" Patryk asks in worry that his hands are shaking the camera a little.

"I'm fine Pat, but that little guy has a big bite to him." Paul shakes his bitten hand to numb the painful feeling once it let go of him.

The little monster sat awake in Tord's arms, growling at the two soldiers. They could see that place where the one eye is supposed to be is not there. Instead, there is a dark black void not showing the back of the socket. Maybe its eye is actually all black.

"It's okay mitt lille monster. They are friends." The Red Leader got the little dark purple monster to calm down quickly. Surprisingly to the soldiers, it nuzzles their head against the crook of Tord's neck. "He's quite shy so he'll need some time to get used to you two. Besides me, I need some of the other soldiers in the base to watch him while I'm busy."

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