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It was finally Friday, you and Richie were walking towards the locker to put the books away. The hallway was packed and you guys were trying to get away from everyone passing by.

"All of us are going to hang out after school right?" Richie asked you.

"Of course. We alwa–", you didn't get to finish sentence. Henry and his gang bump into Richie on purpose causing him to lose balance and knock his glasses down.

"Watch where you're going trash mouth!" Henry spat. "Fuck off, Bowers." you help Richie get up. "Make me." Henry smirks, waiting for you to do something. Though you didn't do anything, knowing you might be dead meat if do.

But you did flip him off before walking away with Richie. Henry had to admit, he was impressed on how bold you were.


You had detention because there was times you came late to school. When the bell rang you put your things away in your locker and went to detention. As soon as you walked in you saw Patrick just looking at you but you shrugged it off. The other students ditched detention so it was just the two of you since the teacher left somewhere .

You sat across the room facing towards him but you never made eye contact with him. It was quite and boring you couldn't take it anymore. "This is boring! Why do teachers make us stay in after school over some stupid shit. I got better things to do" you said as you got up. "Exactly" you heard Patrick say.

"Wanna ditch before the teacher comes back? Maybe we can go do bad things and get to know each other" you said. Patrick agreed, you both left running out of the class before any teacher catches you two.


It was dark and really late as you walked back home. You were suppose to be back home earlier but you didn't followed that rule this time .

You weren't half ways there you were tired after you ran thinking you'll get home more faster. "Why do I have to put myself in this situation? I could've been in bed sleeping good right now" you thought to yourself.

You didn't wanted to get yelled at by your father or mother it scared you even though they were overprotective. You were walking until this nice car drove slowly towards you. "You need a ride? " you heard a male's voice asked. You turned to him it was a boy from your school, Belch from the Bowers gang.

"Um, y-yeah" you said as you got in. You two had a long conversation until you arrived back to your house. "Thanks for the ride" you said. "Anytime" he says. You ran inside and you were lucky your parents were asleep not knowing you came really late.


You were having a bad day in school your boyfriend that you've been with for about 7 months broke up with. You weren't yourself you felt like shit after crying in the girls restroom.

Your best friends Beverly, Richie, Ben, Bill, Stan, Mike, and Eddie tried to cheer you up but you still felt broken inside although you appreciated what they did. You wanted to go home and stay in bed for the rest of the day or maybe go somewhere peaceful to have your own space.

At that moment you didn't care about anything you got you stuff and ditched. You went to the park for a while and sat on the bench just thinking about someone you loved who's now your ex. "Why me? What did I do to deserve this?" you questioned yourself as a tear rolled down your cheek.

"Are you okay?" a familiar voice said. You wiped your tears quick but you didn't say a word because trying not to cry while talking at the same time was the worst. "What happened? I understand if you don't want to talk about it"

Victor says as he sat be next to you. How would've thought someone in the Bowers gang can be soft heart? After telling him every thing you both had long conversation going on and on. Every thing felt better when you started talking to him.

𝐁𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 𝐆𝐀𝐍𝐆 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now