"You broke my nose bitch!"

"Lean forward to avoid the blood draining down your throat, cold compress for ten to fifteen minutes to reduce swelling, Tylenol and a trip to your local doctor. You'll be fine." I told her as if she was one of my patients.

"I told you every time I see you I'm gonna beat your ass for putting your hands on my son." Amir kept sending powerful blows to him.

"Amir stop it!" I wrapped my arms around him and used all of my strength to pull him back. "Get your ass in this house." I pushed him inside and slammed the door.

"That's why you decided to have a baby with." I shook my head.

"I'm sorry, Honey Bunny." He pouted.

"Aww it's okay Buggy Bear." I held both sides of his face kissing his lips repeatedly.

"Mommy can I have some more food!" Malia yelled from upstairs.

Elias Lorizio

"You're not coloring it right, Lia. It's supposed to be in the lines." I took the crayon from her to show her it's done.

"Maybe I want to be different." She snatched it back, rolling her eyes. Ugly.

"Elias and Malia, do I have to separate you?" Ms. Lowry asked, standing in front of our table.

"No." We both said.

"Her breath be kicking." I said when she walked away.

"Elias can I use your-"

"No." Malia cut Gina off.

"I didn't ask you."

"Well his mommy says nobody can use his crayons." Malia snapped.

"You're using them."

"Because I'm Malia and not just anybody."

"I didn't want to use those stupid crayons anyways." She walked off mad.

"I think she's big mad." I laughed causing Malia to join in with me.

Malia is like my best friend. She's actually my only friend because I'm not the best a making them. Most of my class doesn't like me because of my mouth, but it doesn't matter.

As long as Malia is my friend, I don't need any other friends. She's like my sister or something.

"Do you know where babies come from?" I asked Malia. She nodded.

"They come from the stomach silly." She giggled.

"But how they get in there?"

"I don't know. Maybe aliens puts them in there while our mommies sleep." She explained and it began to make sense.

"That makes a lot of sense. You're smart."

She pushed her hair behind her ear, "My mommy is having another baby."

"So is my mom. She's having two of those things." I grimaced thinking of the two babies invading my life.

"Two! That's so cool!" She bounced up and down in her seat making me roll my eyes. She's always so loud.

"Malia can you please use your inside voice?" Tommy turned around in his seat making me mug him.

"Can you worry about yourself?" I retorted and he looked me up and down.

"Was I talking to you?"

I hated Tommy. He always looked at me like he was better than me.

"No, but I was-"

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