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I drop Brady and Boomer in their room, letting them touch ground and keep balance before perching on the railing.

"Wait!" Boomer calls out, both running to where I currently crouched. I turn my head to them and moonlight passes through the clouds, hitting my body and making my markings glow. Brady 'ohs' at me with a wide mouth.

"Uh, Brady you talk to her." Boomer stammers, pushing his brother in front of him when my gaze gets a bit more heated.

"Uh...I mean...uh...well. We, uh, had a question for you." Brady mumbles.


"Several questions for you, if you, you know, care to answer." Brady says, trying to calm himself and sticking his hands in his pockets.

"Ask." I say, still crouching.

"Right. So we were looking through the big book, which actualy turned out to be very informational. Why did no one tell us this?" Boomer asks. I roll my eyes internally.

"Anyways, it said that a few years ago you used to openly live with the royal family. Why did you stop?" Brady asks.

"New kings were coming in from a different country, everything was new to them. I didn't wish to smother you. Plus, I lost my source of power and had to retrieve it." I explain.

"Ha, well, smother away." Brady whispers to the side. I step down from the railing and they back away in intimidation.

"We were hoping, and would feel much safer, that you would join us once more." Boomer says, pushing Brady aside again.

"Why are you giving me such a request?" I ask.

"Mason forced us." Brady pipes from behind Boomer. I smile and place a hand on my hip in amusement.

"My kings, where have-" Mason is about to ask when he walks in and stops.

"Moonlight Protector." Mikayla breathes, kneeling with her father.

"The kings tell me that you wanted me to stay?" I ask, walking past the kings to stand in the center of the room.

"I thought it would be safer, since the tarantula people are getting more confident." Mason replies, standing up.

"You thought well. I have been looking into why they have grown more agressive, with no new knowledge to share. I accept your request." I announce.

"Great, where do you want to stay?" Mikayla asks.

"Oh, when I'm energized by the moon, I don't sleep. I wander." I state, running and jumping off the balcony. I grab a loose vine and hold onto the edge of the castle, able to hear the conversation inside.

"I don't about you guys, but she scares me." Brady comments.

"Me too, bro, me too. Scared, yet...oddly attracted." Boomer replies.

"Hands off. She's a sacred protector of the light side. We wouldn't want her going dark." Mason scolds.

How does he know about that?!

I need the shaman to stop writing my weaknesses in the big book!

"What, like Star Wars?" Brady asks.

"It's not something that's happened before, but there is the myth that the same object that helped give her life could also control her in certain hands. Nobody really knows how it could happen, because she hasn't told anyone what object was used." Mikayla explains.

"She did bring up an object she had to obtain again." Boomer mumbles.

"Did she say anything about it?" Lanny suddenly asks and I hear the kings flich and gaso from his sudden arival.

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