Moonlight Protector 2

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I remember a time when I was working with one of Brady and Boomer's relatives, a king and queen of many years ago. There was a moment when tarantula people had kidnapped their son, and it was my duty to return him. All their hope, trust, and responsibilities were placed on me, for the well being of one child.

Living and helping with the two kings we have now was double the work. I had to be a maid, to not arouse suspicion, but in any sign of danger or call for help I had to scurry away to change and act fast. I only changed without actual physical actions in moonlight, but in the daylight I had to manually do it. After a whie I just quit my job, because tarantual people were getting more and more confident, meaning they thought they had something to use against me and I needed to figure it out soon.

For the sake of the kings.

By the time night had rolled around I was casually draped on a tree limb. The kings went out looking for me, bent on finding out who I was and making me move into the castle with them. In the past that was what it was like, the king knew my identity and I stayed right next to them, but this time it felt different. Maybe it was the flirtatiousness ouf Brady, or the cocky Boomer. Maybe it was the childish fights and immature decisions they ocasionally made. I wasn't sure, but I knew that I was going to have to keep a closer watch on these two. So far they've even thought about getting into danger to lure me in, but I know they won't go far enough for real damage.

And now I've stood up and begun to stalk them as they meet up with a fake tarantula person who will 'tie them up' and 'throw them into the volcano'. Stupid because the tarantula people need the king's saliva to bring back- actually the whole darkside needs the kings in some way, shape, or form in order to get stronger. I seriously think they might use the bathroom out here and acidentally grow an evil tree that shoots poisonous spores and slowly sinks the island into oblivion, you never know.

The kings peek through some rattan and spot the guy, an actual tarantual person. I perk up more and start decendin as soon as he spots them, when they burst through the plants and walk right up to him. He holds his weapon and they poke it, smiling.

"Oh, your really good at this." Boomer comments.

"Yeah, I wouldn't even recognize you. So you know the plan, right?" Brady asks, leaning in closer with his arms crossed.

Who are you to speak to me like this? The man asks.

"Okay, you are too good." Boomer exclaims. The man gets a threatening look and raises his weapon. I hit the ground and calmly walk over to the now cowering man, seizing his weapon and tossing it aside.

I'm sorry about this. I say to him and hoist Brady on my shoulder, Boomer trailing behind. I can tell they are sending thumbs up at each other, or smiling with victory. I plan on taking them back and running off again, hoping they go to bed and stay there. But, knowing the kings, my sudden departure woud just make them plan all over again, making this almost never ending.

With a new silence my nerves spike, the jungle only grows this kind of quiet when...

Just as I expect, a tarantula man jumps from the jungle and grabs Boomer's shirt, pulling him back. He screams and struggles in the man's hold, forcing me to roughly set Brady down in a tree and jump back to the ground.

Give him to me. I demand, not wanting a fight

You are not strong enough to threaten us so. The one holding Boomer laughs. I lift my face to the moon and take a deep breath, deciding to set fear to their race for another hundred years. With a simple action, a mysterious cloud begins to form above us. I lift one leg up halfway to rest my foit on the other leg's calf, setting my hands at a 45° angle on either side of my body. I exhale and only point two fingers, bringing them together at a cross. Before I can take another breth I suddenly step out with the raised foot and point, one arm outstretched and the other under my chin. A bolt of blue lightning flashes down in front of the tarantula warriors, making them jump back with surprise. They take off runningand I grab the trembling Boomer by his shirt, dragging him along and grabbing Brady from the tree, mouth wide in surprise and awe.

"I'm so glad your on our side." He exclaims.
























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